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KNOCKING was heard, causing jungkook to wake up. he didn't like to be interrupted while sleeping. he especially didn't like it when he felt so comfortable just like he is now. he looks down to see his wife still sleeping. your face buried into his chest, your arms around his body and legs intertwined his. jungkook didn't want to get up. for some reason, he loves the position the two of you were in.

the knocking got louder and he still hasn't gotten out of bed. he decided to pretend that he was still asleep in order to stay in this position. he closes his eyes once more, hoping to fall back to sleep yet you woke up. jungkook felt your warmth disappeared and opens his eyes to see you out of bed. he sighs as he sees you grab your robe and walk towards the door.

"good morning, (y/n). i was hoping you would like to come with me and seoyeon to the mall" mina smiled. you had nothing better to do. 'jungkook probably is going to spend time with his brothers so why not' you thought. "i would love to" you replied. "great. meet us in the lobby at 1pm" and she left. you closed the door and turn away to see your husband trying to fall back asleep.

you looked at the time and saw it was 8am. you searched for clothing, making him look at you. "where are you going?" he asked. "im gonna take a shower and then go out looking for something to eat" you replied. jungkook forces himself out of bed only to pull you back in bed. you froze when you felt his arms around your waist. his face burying inside the crook of your neck. "it's still early. let's go back to sleep" he closes his eyes. and just like that the two of you fell back to sleep.

after two hours, jungkook woke up fully feeling energetic. he has never been able to sleep so well until now. he looks down to see you still asleep. 'i should get something for us to eat' he said as he gets out of bed. jungkook walks over to his suitcase, grabbing fresh clothing to change into. once he was fully changed, he walked out of the room and saw his two brothers. "you're up late? where are you off to?" junsu asked. "food" he answered. "we're gonna go to the mall later. wanna come?" and jungkook nodded.

"cool. don't tell your wife though. she might tell mina and seoyeon. you have no idea how they are when they go shopping. it's annoying" jungwoo said. "you seem quite energetic. what happened? the baby brother we need always been to tired and cranky" the two of them joked. jungkook knew if he told them that the two of you were cuddling, they would convince him that you were trying to get his attention which was the complete opposite. "no stress, you know" jungkook replied and they nodded.

"well see you later! eat well!" junsu said before leaving with jungwoo. jungkook watches his brothers and sighs once they were gone. he turns his head when he heard the door opening to reveal you wearing a short strapless summer dress. "what are you doing up? i thought you were sleeping?" he asked. "i woke up feeling hungry so i decided to go look for something to eat" you said. "you could have stayed. i was actually going to go drag us something" he confessed, making your eyes widened. "you didn't need to. i could have-"

"im your husband and as your husband, i have to take care of you. now that you're awake, we might as well eat in a diner. let's go" jungkook said walking away. you tilt your head, confusing by his sudden actions.

' isn't he supposed to be cold towards me?'

the three wives were walking throughout the mall. you only tagged along because you were in search for a present for a baby shower. mina and seoyeon wanted to buy some lingeries. "we will be going in there" mina points. you saw that the store they were going into. "okay. ill wait out here for you guys" you said and they nodded. you watch as they walk inside the store.

meanwhile the three jeon brothers were walking through the mall, buying suits. jungwoo stops walking, making his brothers stop. "did you tell your wife that we were at the mall" he looks at jungkook who shook his head. junsu looks around and tilts his head. "isn't that your wife?" making jungkook turn and look where his brother was looking.

there he saw you talking to a man. a sudden wave of anger hit when he saw the man trying to walk closer to you. he sees you bowing down at the man. "im sorry, but im married" you said yet it seem like it didn't bother him. "he doesn't have to know. we can keep it a secret between us" he winks at you, making you feel uncomfortable.

"back off. she's mine" jungkook stood in front of you. he sends the man death glares and clenches his fist, trying to control his urges to beat the man up. it surprised you and his brothers seeing him act like this. the man nodded and run away, realizing he was hitting on the wrong woman. jungkook looks over to you, saying "what are you doing here?".

"well mina and seoyeon invited me to the mall with them. they're in there" you pointed at the store. he looks inside the store to see lingeries. 'they're trying it again. i wouldn't mind seeing her in one though' jungkook thought. "let's go" he grabs your hand, dragging you away from them. your husband intertwines his hand with yours, making sure you stay close by him.

jungwoo and junsu both watch the two of you walking away from them. they saw you two talking to each other. never in their lives, they have seen their baby brother jealous and angry. jungkook was never the jealous type. he has gotten angry but not to the point where he wanted to beat the crap out of someone. "he's changing, isn't he?" junsu said.

"yeah, he is. for the better or worse" jungwoo replied.

mrs.jeon smiles brightly seeing all of her children and their wives sitting together, eating as a family. she noticed that you and jungkook were matching unlike his brothers and their wives. she wonders if it was accidental or purpose. they were all eating at a restaurant, outside, where the dj was playing music so couples could dance.

"how has the trip been, (y/n) dear?" mrs.jeon asked. "it's good" you smiled at her. "my son isn't being a bully towards you right? if so, i won't hesitate to-" yet she gets interrupted. "she's in perfect care, mother. don't worry" jungkook spoke. his mother nods and looks at the other couples who were quiet.

your eyes widened when you heard the song the dj started playing. it was a song you heard many times. your college roommate loved the song and even taught you how to dance to bachata (type of dance/music). you saw a couple walk into the dance floor and started dancing. jungkook notices you standing up. "where are you going?" he asked, making everyone look at you. "to the dance floor. i happen to know how to dance to this type of music" you replied. "alone?" he asked.

"well yeah. if someone walks towards me then i-" he quickly stands up. "let's go dance then" he said. "are you sure you want to dance? you never danced to this type of music" you asked. "im jeon jungkook, your husband, who is good at everything. i think ill learn quick" he said. you shrugged and walk out to the dance floor with him following right behind you.

jungkook looks at the dancing couple and wraps his arm around your back. you lay your arm over his and rest it near his shoulder. he holds your other hand and looks into your eyes. "feel the beat. it's all in your hips. just follow my motion" you tell him and he nods.

mrs.jeon watches as the two of you dance. she was surprised to hear that jungkook wanted to dance. at parties, he would normally sit down and talk to his brothers. her eyes widened when she noticed her youngest son's expression.

"he's smiling"

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