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DR.manoban was sipping her cup of coffee until she sees her friend walk towards her. "morning, (y/n)" she smiles. "morning, lisa" you replied as you walked into the lounge. dr.manoban follows right behind you and takes a seat as you unpacked. "i thought your marriage with jeon jungkook was arranged? why has he been acting like a good husband? is he using you to get fame?" she gasped. "no. actually, he wants our marriage to work" you replied. "you're joking right? the jeon jungkook wants to be in a relationship. that's impossible" lisa said.

"you should see how he is when we're home. always hugging me and giving me pecks randomly. i admit it's nice to receive affection but the affection he's giving me is a bit too much" you said, making her laugh. "it's seems like the two of you switch roles. you're the cold person while he's the clingy one" lisa said. "who's cold and who's clingy?" both of you and dr.manoban looked up to see your new chief.

the two of you bowed down, "nothing dr.kim. we're just talking about dr.(l/n)'s husband" dr.manoban said. "ah, you're married, dr.(l/n). good to hear. don't allow your husband distract your performances in surgery. your love life isn't important in the ER" he walked out of the room. you glared at lisa who was apologizing. "im sorry. i didn't know what else to say. i panicked" she said. "it's fine. he's right though. anyways, let's go. we have patients to save"

meanwhile, your husband arrived at the company to see his employees all looking at him. he expected this since he was film being with his wife. "what are you looking at! back to work!" he shouts as he enters his office. jungkook removes his coat, hanging it up before taking a seat on his chair. a smile appeared on his face, remembering the fun memories you two made. you and him made a blanket fort and watch movies. 'i cant stop thinking of her...is she thinking of me?' he thought as the door opens.

"what are you doing here, jungkook? i thought you were feeling sick" jungwoo said. "im feeling better.
my wife took care of me" he replies. "i thought nancy did?" his brother asked. "she did come over but just made it worse. i had a huge headache because of her but when my wife came back from work, she cured me since she is an expert in medicine" jungkook said, trying not to smile.

"i see. so now that you're here. we got the project. mr.choi said he will send us the information. since we are working on two projects, junsu decided that you will be in charge of the project with the parks. we hope you will make us proud" jungwoo said. jungkook nodded and opens his laptop. "i will make sure this project will be successful" he said before his brother walked out. jungkook looks through his files and starts doing his work on the project.

after a few hours, he was feeling hungry. he pouts, knowing that you won't be able to bring him lunch like his sisters in law do since you work. 'if she can't bring me food, maybe we can eat together?' he thought. immediately jungkook stood up from his chair, grabbing his wallet and keys to drive to the hospital. he wants to be by you at all times, but of course, there has to be obstacles.

once arriving at the hospital, jungkook walks into the ER and calls out for one of the nurses. "is dr.(l/n) busy?" he asked. "she's about to go on her lunch break. are you one of her patients? should i call her over?" the nurse asked. "im not a patient, but yes please call her over" he said. the nurse nods and walks towards you who was speaking to dr.manoban. "dr.(l/n), there's a handsome man outside in the lobby asking for you. he said he isn't a patient" you were a bit confused about who it could be.

dr.manoban grabs your hand and said, "let's go see who it could be. we have to pass the lobby anyways to grab our food" dragging you out. stepping into the lobby, your eyes widened when you saw your husband there. the two of you made eye contact and quickly he walks towards you, pulling you away from lisa. "jungkook, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at your-"

"you talk too much, amor" he places his finger against your lip, making you surprise. dr.manoban looks at him to see your husband glaring at her. "i wanted to eat lunch with you" he intertwined his fingers with yours. "well me and your wife were about to go grab something from the cafeteria. you can come along if you want" dr.manoban pulls you back towards her.

jungkook clenches his jaw, annoyed by your friend. she was stealing you away from him. "i won't allow my amor to eat cafeteria food. there's a restaurant near by so we will be going there" he pulls you back. lisa notices that he was going jealous so she smirks. "i-i think ill just buy food from the food truck" you said giving them a small smile yet jungkook wasn't going to stop. "no, amor. you have to eat healthy" he said. "the closer she is at the hospital, the better mr. jeon" dr.manoban replied.

the two of them glared at each other and you were stuck in between them. "dr.lee!" you quickly ran towards her, leaving the lobby with her. jungkook and lisa rolled their eyes. "i don't think it's healthy for you to get jealous over something small. i recommend you control that jealously of yours. (y/n) doesn't like people who are rude to her friends" lisa said. "my apologies, dr.manoban. i just wanted to be with my wife, alone. is that so wrong of me?" he asked.  she sighs and shakes her head. "no. im sorry too. i shouldn't have acted like that as well. i should understand your feelings since it's difficult to be in a relationship with us doctors" she explains.

"i hope we can become friends" dr.manoban said, walking out of the lobby. jungkook rolls his eyes once she left. 'i don't like her. she might be a bad influence on my amor yet then again, she has every right to be friends with whoever she pleases. i will just keep an eye on dr.manoban. heck, maybe using her can help me get closer to my amor' he thought as he walks out.

his brown eyes landed on you smiling at dr.manoban and other doctors. jungkook could see people staring at him. he ignores it and walks towards you, putting his arms around your waist. you felt embarrassed when he suddenly pulled you into his arms. the female doctors smirked at you. "and who is this handsome man, dr.(l/n)?" dr.lee asked. "hello, im jeon jungkook, her husband" he answered. they all giggled and smiled. "i didn't know that you were in a relationship. you can company dr.(l/n) to the party i have this weekend" she said.

"of course, i will" jungkook looks at you who was eating your food. "didn't you say you were hungry?" you asked and he nodded before taking a bite of your food. the doctors smile seeing the first year resident with her husband. "the two of you look cute together. break her heart, and we break you" another doctor said. "no worries, my amor will be treated like a goddess" jungkook smiles.

the doctors started talking to him about you as you ate your lunch. he wanted to your behavior at work to get a better understanding of you. "dr.(l/n)! you're needed!" one of the nurses shouted. you wipes the crumbs off your face and threw out your food out as you ran back inside. he sighs, already missing you. "seems like got herself a lovesick husband. don't worry, mr.jeon. your wife will come home to you soon. now that we all know she's married, we'll try our best to not have her busy. you two are still young so enjoy your youth" dr.lee smiled.

jungkook nodded and smiled back before leaving the hospital. he gets inside his car, sighing that he will have to wait hours until you get back home. 'that dr.manoban...i need to do research about her. i don't trust her. she might do something to my amor. (y/n) is my wife so if i say something that would offend her, she might leave me... no, i can't let that happen! my amor is mine...junsu was right...'

"love can make people go crazy"

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