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"WHAT?" jungkook said in serious voice. why on earth did you not tell him that you were feeling sick? he would called the most famous and successful doctor to check you. he doesn't want you sick. he needs you. "it's exactly what i said. your wife is showing symptoms of food poisoning. i love (y/n) as my sister and i know you do too. im not sure how her food got poison. luckily, i gave her some medication for it" dr.manoban said. jungkook sighs in relief and tilts his head back.

"i need you to make sure she takes her medication. it's very important that she takes them, got it?" she said and he nodded. "i told dr.simon about this and he agrees that she should get some rest. please watch over her. she's a stubborn person and will try to convince you that she's fine" dr.manoban added. "i know she is. you don't need to worry. i will make sure (y/n) is healthy. if you excuse me, i think i should go back home and take care of her" jungkook said.

he walks out of the hospital and places his hand on his heart. he was so scared for a minute. he could never imagine himself without you now. you're his energy. jungkook walks towards his car and enters it. he drives off back to his house, eager to see you. a smile appeared on his face, thinking about his amor. after a few minutes, jungkook enters the house and shouts your name. "amor! where are you?" he asked. "im in the kitchen!" you shout back.

your husband walks into the kitchen and saw you cutting vegetables. he makes his way towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "amor, why didn't you tell you were feeling sick? i would have stayed with you" he placed his chin on your shoulder. "im sorry. i didn't want you to worry. it's just food poisoning and im already taking medication" you said. "but amor, it's my duty as your husband to make sure you're healthy and safe" he leaves wet kisses on your neck.

you giggle and smile, turning around to face him. he leans towards your face, placing his lips on top of yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck, responding to the kiss. jungkook's heart started to race. you were driving him crazy. he places his hands on your waist, lifting you up and placing you on the counter. jungkook bites your bottom lip, making you gasp. his tongue slips his way inside your mouth. his hands on your thighs, moving up. you had your hand run through his hair. after a couple of seconds, your husband pulls away. the two of you breathing heavily and looking into each other eyes.

"gosh amor, i love you so much" making your heart race fast. "now if you ever feel sick, please don't be afraid to tell me. i want you to be safe" jungkook kiss your forehead. "alright, conejito. now move out the way. im hungry" you move him aside yet he shook his head. "you're going to eat the food i make. i can't risk you getting food poisoning again. you're my life, amor" he suddenly lifts you, carrying bridal style to the bedroom. you laugh and smile brightly at him.

arriving at the bedroom, he places you down on the bed. "ill call you when im done cooking" jungkook said. you nodded and turned on the tv. he heads back downstairs and his eyes landed on a beautiful box with a letter. he was confused and walks towards it. your husband opens the box, seeing pictures of him and you. he opens the letter and his blood starts to boil.

jungkook pulls out his phone, calling someone. "i want you to find out who the hell is stalking my wife. im sure they're the one who tried to poison her too" he said. "yes, boss. is that all you want me to do?" they asked. "im also sure that the person who is doing this tried to kill my brother" he added as he clenched his jaw. "of course" and jungkook then hangs up.

dear mr.jeon jungkook,
im sure you know that im the one who has poison your dear amor. i have to admit, she's quite a cute and beautiful woman. i wonder how you would feel if she was no longer by your side? ps. how is that brother of yours doing?

jungkook wanted to kick the table yet you were upstairs. he needs this person dead. he won't allow no one to lay a finger on you. he didn't want you to know about this because he knew you would panic. your husband pulls his hair, frustrated and worried. 'i won't allow it. when i find out who is person is, i won't hesitate to torture them and make sure they pay for what did'

you heard your phone ringing, seeing the id caller. "i assume your cold and sweet husband is taking good care of you. so did you tell him yet?" dr.manoban ask and you sighed. "no. how can i? he has so many things to worry about. telling him will just make it worse" you replied. "but (y/n), you're at risk. if you won't tell him, i will. im scared that you're going to get hurt" lisa said. you stood up, walking back and forth, anxious. "d-don't tell him...i-i will when i get the chance" you said.

"did you buy those things to protect you? i want you safe" dr.manoban replied. "i did, don't worry" you smiled. suddenly you heard footsteps and turn around to see jungkook. "ill talk to you later, lisa" you said and then hung up. your husband walks towards you, hugging you tightly. you were surprised by his hug but wrapped your arms around him. "my brother...jungwoo...h-he got into a car accident" he confessed, making your eyes widened. "oh god, is he okay now? how did this happen?" you ask. "i don't know. they didn't tell me. he's in a coma right now"

you pulled away from the hug, seeing tears fall down off his cheeks. it broke your heart seeing him like this. you place your hand on his cheek, wiping his tears away. "everything will be alright. he's going to get better. i promise" you said in a sweet voice. "he's a strong man" you kiss his forehead. he cries on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you again. "let's go eat together now. we can cuddle while watching movies if you want" and he nods like a child. you grab his hand, leading him down to the kitchen.

the next morning, you were brushing your hair as your husband was showering. you look at the hickeys that he felt you last night. "...amor..." he whispers in a deep voice, breathing on your neck. shivers went down your spine. you turn around to see him naked. you playfully slap his chest and closed your eyes. "yo wear some clothes" you said, making jungkook laugh. "it's not the first time you seen me like this, amor. last night you were craving to see me naked" he smirks and you roll your eyes.

"change please. your mother called me saying that she is coming over" you walked out of the bedroom. you headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. you decided to make pancakes since you were craving for it. as you were preparing the batter, your mind went back to what happened yesterday. mina needs someone by her side. you have no idea what she's going through. jungkook walks downstairs and smiles when he saw the pancakes.

the door bell rang, making him run towards the front door. your husband opens the door to see his mother and mina who both don't look like they didn't get enough sleep. "come in" he opens the door. they both walk inside the house. "where is (y/n)?" mrs. jeon asked. "she's making breakfast. take a seat" he said. they both took a seat on the couch. "jungkook, can mina stay with you and (y/n)? i dont want her to be alone and i know that your wife isn't working this week" she said. jungkook didn't want someone that could interfere with his relationship.

anyone can try to separate you from him. he believes that she will convince you to leave him because of jealousy. jungkook knows that mina and seoyeon were jealous that their husbands don't show love and affection to them. "i think it's better if she stays with seoyeon since she doesn't work" he said, crossing his arms. "please, jungkook. seoyeon and junsu said they can't. she needs someone by her side" mrs.jeon begs. he tries to argue again. he doesn't want her to stay here.

"good morning mrs.jeon and mina. breakfast is ready. ill be right back. i just have to make an important phone call" you walk in and headed up the stairs. you enter the bedroom, pulling out your phone. "hello. how can i help you?" the person through the other side asked.

"can i make an appointment?"

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