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IT was your turn to go out on a double date with his parents. jungkook was a bit excited yet he kept his feelings inside. he wasn't ready to tell his family about you and him giving the marriage a try. he felt that if he did, his brothers will be angry and try to separate you from.

jungkook was currently sitting on the bed, waiting for his wife to get ready. "hey! your parents didn't tell us where we're going right?" you shout through the door. "nope! i have no idea what they planned" he shouts back. you walked out of the bathroom wearing a simple outfit. a blue blouse and black pants. "you look beautiful" your husband said with a smile. "thanks?" you replied. it was a bit uncomfortable for you to receive comments from him. you had developed the idea of the two of you being distanced from each other so this was still new. jungkook then looks pulls out with phone when he heard his ring tone.

his mother was calling. "yes, mother?" he said. "hello dear. your father and i are downstairs in the lobby. come when the two of you are ready. and please don't act your brothers" mrs.jeon said, making him look at you. "no promises" he smiles before hanging up. "mother is downstairs waiting for us. let's go" he said as he takes your phone and turning it off. "i need that, you know" you said referring to your phone. "not today. we're going on a double date with my parents. i know i said that i won't act cold to you but im not ready to tell them about us" he confesses, expecting to hear you tell him "they'll understand" or  "they will support us".

instead he got "fine by me. let's keep it hidden" and you walked out of the room. he stood there shock by your response yet immediately walked behind you. jungkook grabs your hand, intertwining his hand with yours. at least holding hands with you won't cause anything since they ready have seen the two of you hold hands before. "(y/n)! i saw the news. thank goodness that you were at the mall at the right time. because of you, that little boy is alive" mrs.jeon said.

"im glad that he's doing alright" you smiled. "are you two ready to go out?" mr.jeon asked. the two young couple looked at each other and nodded. "yes you are" you replied. the four of you walked out of the hotel and your eyes widened when you saw a black limo. you watched as they entered. "aren't you going to get in?" your husband asked. you nodded and got into the limo, feeling a bit left out. "so (y/n) what do you think of jeju? this is your first time here, right?" your mother in law asked. "yes it is and it's quite beautiful. i would love to come here with my family" you replied.

'we are your family' jungkook thought. "im sure they would love it here too. speaking of family, i hope today you two have fun. it was a bit hard to find the perfect place since the two of you have different hobbies" mrs.jeon said. "wherever you take us doesn't matter as long as you're with the people you love" you smiled. "aww! you're too sweet" she said. your husband, on the other hand, thought 'she's such a kindhearted person. i cant believe im married to her' trying to control his feelings.

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