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NINETH month you were in. your belly was now huge. jungkook and the dogs have been following you around. your family has been staying with his parents. both mothers were so excited to see their grandchildren. your father was first pissed at your husband for getting you pregnant so soon. yet he was even more angry when he found out you're having triplets. it took months for your father to accept the fact that you're married and happy. your sister is very delighted that she's gonna be an aunt. lisa as well. speaking of dr.manoban, she started dating again and her boyfriend is your ex. you were so happy for the two of them. you had a feeling that they would end up together.

there has been no death around you since the three woman got arrested. you were now finally able to live a peaceful life with your family. "amor, what should i make for dinner?" jungkook asked. "anything is fine. im just hungry" you smiled. "how are you and our babies doing? you aren't troubling mommy, right?" he rubs your tummy. "we are all doing fine. im just kinda nervous. the due date is coming up" you said. he smiles brightly and pulls you into a kiss. "im here with you, amor. i will be by your side as you give birth. there's nothing to be scared of. we are ready to have them" he reassures you. "now tell me. do you think they're going to look like their daddy or mommy?" he asked, making you laugh. "they're definitely gonna look like their mommy. why would they want their daddy's genes?" you replied.

"oh really? i mean, im a handsome young man with a high iq. i own a company now and was in many ap classes" he wraps his arms around you. "well i am a intelligent woman who was also in ap classes, am a trauma surgeon and have a higher iq than yours" you replied. "you're right. babies, you better be like your mommy" and you smiled proudly. "i cant wait to hold them in my arms and watch them grow up" he smiles. "me too" you said. "just for the record, they won't be the only children we're having" he lets go and heads towards the kitchen. "i plan on getting you pregnant again right after they come out" he shouts. "you better not, jeon jungkook!" you shouted back. "well amor, you will just have to wait and see!"

jungkook smiles brightly as he sees the person he came to visit. "how's the prison life dear cousin?" he asked. "nine months and now you decided to come visit me" yuki said. "well, my wife is about to give birth to our children this week and i remember if it wasn't for you, i would never be able to see the birth of my children. thank you" he said. "you're not getting away with this, jungkook. i swear once i get out of here, my hands are gonna be covered with your blood" she said. "you lost this game, yuki. you aren't a true jeon like i am. like how grandmother and your mother. oh wait! i didn't tell you"

"well your mother and grandmother tried to kill me just like how they killed our uncle many years ago. luckily, i got to them before they could get to me. you will never understand what im capable of. money is powerful and it's the solution to most problems" he said. "the same greed you have is what killed your mother. i would do it again if i could. kill your mom and those disgusting and smelly men who tried to steal my wife away. i never told you how it started, didn't i?" he asked. "i never loved (y/n) at first. she would run off without telling me. we were both busy with our jobs so my mom decided to have a family trip and we were forced to get to know each other. that's when my feelings started to develop. i got very jealous and overprotective when i saw guys eyeing her"

"she made me fall for her even more. one day, i saw a guy try to hit on her and give her his number, so i took him outside and taught him a lesson. the next guy, however, didn't make it. the feeling i got after killing him made me realize that the only way i can protect my wife from the world is to kill those who are dangerous. that's how my killing spree began" he crossed his arms. "(y/n) will find out about this! i promise you that! she will hate you so much!" she shouts but he shook his head. "she doesn't trust anyone anymore because of nancy. she only believes me. im her everything...her world. she loves me as much as i love her. even if she does find out, she won't leave me. she can't. it will be difficult for her to leave me" your husband said.

"i got her obsessed with me without her knowing. of course, not the way i am with her. she will still love me if she finds out i killed those people. that's how powerful our love is" he smirks. "you're a monster! you manipulated her! you fucked you her mind and way of thinking!" yuki shouts. "i did what was necessary to keep her by my side. you don't get it because you haven't fallen in love. junsu never did and looked where he ended up. you did me a great favor by killing him. he tried to get he arrested but you killed him" jungkook said. the door opens and a guard walks in. "mr.jeon, you received a called from your wife. she's in labor" which made yuki's eyes widened. he smiles and looks over to his cousin. "well dear cousin, i have to go" he said standing up. "you can't let him leave! he killed those people! he did it because he's obsessed over his wife! you have to believe me!" she shouts but jungkook walks away free.

you were laying down on the bed, waiting for your husband to arrive. your mother and his were by your side. "everything will be fine, sweetie. jungkook will be here soon" your mom holds your hand. "you know how excited he is to see the birth of his children. he will be here" mrs.jeon said. the door opens widen and he comes rushing in. "amor, how are you? i came as fast as i could" he kisses your forehead and holds your hand. "im fine. luckily, your mother was with me" you said. "are you excited? they're finally coming out" he smiles and you nodded.

"god...why am i so nervous? im not the one giving birth" he said wiping his sweat off. you and your mother both laugh. the doctor and nurses walked in. "how are the parents doing?" dr.kim asked with a smile. "nervous" jungkook answers. "it's quite normal to feel that. i will like to inform you, mr.jeon to drink and eat something. i have seen many fathers pass out as their partners give birth" she said. "im fine" he said. "only two people are allowed to be in the room so please decide. once you find out, nurse jennie will get you changed. i will be right back and we can get started" she smiles as she walks out. "i will wait outside. good luck (y/n)" mrs.jeon kisses your forehead. "watch over her, son. she's gonna need you" she tells jungkook before giving him a peck on the forehead as well. "please follow me now" nurse jennie said.

you screamed as you pushed. jungkook was holding your hand, telling you how good you're doing. "i see the head. keep on pushing, (y/n)" dr.kim said as you pushed even louder. you then heard crying. "it's a girl" she said as she signals jungkook to cut the umbilical cord before handing the baby to the nurses. "we're not done yet. you have two more to go. keep on pushing" dr.kim said. jungkook looks back at you. "come on, amor. you got this" he whispers as he wipes the sweat off of your forehead. you screamed again, pushing. "i see the head of the second baby" and you pushed. more crying was heard. "another baby girl" she said. once again jungkook cuts the umbilical cord off.

"one more left. don't give up now, (y/n)" jungkook said. you nodded and took a deep breath in. "you got this sweetie" your mother said. "ugh!" you pushed. it took forever yet the last baby came out. "congrats. it's a baby boy" tears started to roll down your husband's cheeks, happy to see his children. he cuts his son's umbilical cord. he walks over to see his three babies. two little girls and one little boy. "hi, babies. it's me, your daddy. you three are so adorable just like your mommy" he wipes his tears away and smiles. "amor, they look just like you-" he turns around only to see you closing your eyes.

"code blue!"

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