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LOUD music was playing from the speakers. many people on the dance floor, dancing the night away. it seems like everyone forget what happened few hours ago. jungkook has been keeping an eye on you. he was sitting alone in his table, watching you speak to your fellow colleague. he has done a background check on each one of them just in case anyone tries to steal you from him. jungkook isn't planning to let you go after getting this new feeling.

"you're dr.(l/n), husband?" a tall man with peach color hair asked. "yes, and who are you?" jungkook crossed his arms, glaring at the man. "im her chief. dr.kim namjoon. i will like to inform you that your wife is an excellent surgeon so please try not to disturb her at her job" he said. jungkook clenched his fists, hearing his words. "im no distraction to her. you must understand, being married to a doctor is quite difficult" your husband said. "it's not my fault you married a doctor. i don't want her potential go to waste" dr.kim said.

jungkook wanted to punch him yet he controlled his anger. "of course, it won't go to waste. my wife has put her all in her job. im just taking care of her since no one else is. now if you excuse me, i will be going to her" he stands up and walks over to you who was now standing alone with a glass of champagne. your husband rests his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist. your heart raced when you felt his lips brush on your skin. "jungkook, we're in public" you whispered to him.

yet he doesn't listen and starts leaving kisses around your neck. tighten the hug, making sure you couldn't leave. "you look beautiful, amor"jungkook whispers into your ear. "i can't control myself" your cheeks warm up. your breathing started to become heavy. you were getting a weird feeling from this. his tongue circles a specific spot before sucking on your skin. you bit your lip, controlling yourself. the room was dark so no one noticed what your husband was doing. "no one can hear you, amor. the music is loud enough to cover the noises" he whispers.

dr.manoban looks around to find you but she smirks when she saw two figures in the back. 'we all knew she wasn't innocent' lisa chuckles. "so lisa when do you plan on finding someone?" nurse lily asked. "i said it before, i don't think dating is a good idea. you saw what happened. that guy was my ex who cheated on me. i don't trust men anymore. it's hard to be in a relationship with a doctor. we're constantly getting called to come in. honestly i prefer my beauty rest or my partner" she answers honestly.

"i wonder how dr. (l/n) even got married. she's so young to be married. she's in her first year of her residency" nurse mira said. "you don't know? her marriage was arranged. her husband's mother would always come here and beg for dr.(l/n) to marry her son. it took a while until she agreed" nurse gabe said. the nurses had their eyes widened. they all thought the two of you were in love by the way your husband behaves. "so their marriage was forced? they look like if they're in love with each other" nurse mira said.

lisa shakes her head. "well, im not sure if they are even in love with each other. all i know is that he wants to give this marriage a try which is why he's acting like a true husband would. it's weird to see a jeon act like that though. they're normally cold to people" she explains. "i have seen clips of how his brothers treat their wives. it must be sad to have husbands who don't pay attention to their wives" nurse lily said. "you think (y/n)'s husband is just acting like he does care about her and acts cold towards her at home?" nurse gabe asked.

"act cold towards who at home?" they all turned their heads to see you wearing your husband's jacket. lisa knew you were trying to hiding the marks jungkook left in your neck. she pulls you close to her and whispers into your ear. "trying to hide the hickeys, huh? i knew you were dirty, (y/n)" lisa smirks. your cheeks warmed up. "y-you saw us?" you asked and she nods. "you're lucky that i only did. better try to hide them well. you know how we are. we love teasing" she wiggles her eyebrows.

you rolled your eyes. "where did your husband go, dr.(l/n)?" nurse mira asked. "he's in the restroom" you replied. "let's go dance" nurse lily pulls nurse mira and gabe to the dance floor. lisa then grabs your wrist, pulling you as well. the two of you started dancing to the music with big smiles on your faces.

jungkook walks out of the bathroom only to see you dancing with dr.manoban. he didn't like how close she was to you. he also wasn't sure why he left marks all over your neck. all he knew that he wanted every single person here to know that you are his. then he walks towards you and lisa. "can i dance with my wife?" jungkook asked. dr.manoban lets go of your hand and pushes you towards him. "have fun" she waves before moving her way to the nurses. your husband pulls your body closer to his and the two of you started to dance to the music.

"why are you hiding the marks i made, amor? are you embarrassed by them?" jungkook asked. "oh i don't know. maybe it's because all of my colleagues and boss are here" you said. he chuckles and smiles. "im sure they won't mind. after all, we are married. do they expect us not to be like this?" you rolled your eyes. "hey, im being honest. people think im only behaving like this so i can get attention and fame.  yet in reality, i just want to be in a loving and healthy relationship with my wife" he explains.

"don't let their words get to you, jungkook. at least we know the truth and they will sooner or later. do you want to go home so you don't have to hear their comments?" you asked. your husband shakes his head, saying "no. let's stay. im gonna prove to them that our marriage is real" he smiles as he spins you.

the two of you continue to dance until your feet got tired. it was the first night jungkook had fun attending a party. maybe it was his first time going to one now as you as his wife. you made it more entertaining. you two were sitting in your table, waiting to hear the speech. jungkook had his hand on your thigh, caressing it. "i cant wait for our anniversaries. i will make each year memorable. just for my amor" he smiles at you. "we just got married a few weeks ago and you're already thinking of that?" you replied.

lisa walks over to you and takes a seat across from the married couple. "how are your feet not killing you?" you asked. "im used to dancing in heels unlike someone" she replied. "you free tomorrow or do you plan on sleeping in?" you asked. "depends, why?" lisa answered. "wanna go out? i heard there's this new cafe opened near your place" you said. "sure why not. text me what time" she smiles. "can i come along?" jungkook looks at you.

"i think it's an all girl day" lisa answered. "don't you work tomorrow?" you asked. "just half of the day" he answered. "if you want, you can pick me up and then we can go on a date" his bunny smile appeared. "yes! i like that idea!" he nods. lisa was a bit surprised by his behavior but pushed it aside. jungkook leans towards your face, giving you a peck on the cheek. lisa smiles seeing you get embarrassed. jungkook looks behind dr.manoban and smirks.

'you will regret saying those words to be, dr.kim'

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