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"YES. it's very hard to see and even i almost didn't notice. do you see those black sacs? they represent the babies. you're having triplets. congratulations, you two" dr.kim smiles. you looked at jungkook who had tears started to fall down his face. "w-we're having triplets...amor! did we hear that? you're carrying three of our children" he smiles as he rubs your tummy. tears started rolling down your cheek. to be honest, you were just hoping to be pregnant with one baby...but being pregnant with triplet, it will take more work. yet you were very happy that your husband is willing to stop everything he's doing just for you and the babies.

jungkook leans down and connects his lips with yours. he was so excited to be a father not only to one baby, but for three. "here are the pictures from the sonogram. once again, congratulations" dr.kim said before walking out of the room. your husband smiles, seeing the pictures. "oh god, amor. i cant believe we're having triplets!" he said with a happy tone. you stood up and looked at the pictures. "i love you" he kisses you again. "i know you do. now let's go home, daddy jeon" you said, making him smile even more. he grabs your hand, intertwining them with his. the two of you walked out of the clinic only to get cameras in your faces.

"mr.jungkook, can you explain to us about the accident with your brother? was it really an accident or was it an attempt homicide?" the reporters asked. your husband pulled you closer and covered your face, not wanting them anywhere near you and the babies. "no comment" he said as he tries to walk by them. "is it true that your wife is only married to you for popularity?" another reporter asked which made him stop and turned. "don't you fucking say that about my wife. we love each other very much" your husband answers. "are you sure? there is a rumor going around that your wife is a-" jungkook grabbed the reporter by his shirt, ready to throw a couple of punches.

he clenched his jaw and glared at the reporter. "my wife is nothing like that. she's hardworking, caring and everything else that you aren't. if i hear that any one of you say rude things about my wife, i won't hesitate to get you fire and make your life miserable. im the only jeon son who actually loves their wife and wants to start a family so don't forget about that" jungkook walks off with you to the car. once you entered the car, he sighs. "im sorry amor, you had to hear that" jungkook apologizes. "you don't have to apologize. it's fine. i can see why they think that of me. i am a woman from (your country) and in the middle class" you said yet he grabs your hand, kissing it and shaking his head.  "those people are stupid. even if we didn't get marry, i know that we would meet because you and i belong to each other"

jungkook was waiting patiently for his guest to arrive at his house. he and his wife already decorated the house and made dinner. mina was in the guest room, showering. your husband wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. "amor, what do you think the genders of our babies would be? im hoping we get a mix. two baby boys and a baby girl" he whispers into your ear. "it's too early to find out, jungkook. all im hoping is that our babies are safe and healthy" you replied. your husband smiles just thinking of his children. he couldn't wait to leave this country and live far away from everyone. just the two of you and the babies. a perfect life.

the door bell rang, making jungkook jump. "amor, why don't you take a seat and ill open the door. you gotta be more careful" he said as he runs towards the door. he opens the door to receive a big hug from yijun. "cousin kook!" he shouts. jungkook lifts him up and spins him around. "i missed you yijun" he smiles. "i was quite surprised by your invitation but yijun really wanted to come" jia said. "im actually glad you came. i have a few questions to ask you and hojun" he said, making the two couple look at each other, confused. "come in!"! he smiles. jia and her husband walk inside to see their son already hugging you.

"hey, (y/n). how are you doing?" jia asked as she takes her baby from her husband. "im doing well. just been feeling sick lately" you said. "jungkook! have you been taking care of her!?!" jia looks at your husband who was smiling like crazy which kinda creeped her out. "yes, i have. don't worry" he replied. after a couple of minutes, his parents arrived with yuki who took miyeon as well. and after an hour, his sister in law, seoyeon showed up without junsu. your husband was very happy to see everyone he invited to the house. the whole time, he was glued to you. he never wanted to leave you alone. jungkook could no longer trust his own family. he knew that they would soon try to separate him from you if they found out his secret.

yuki was hoping that miyeon would try to get with her cousin again yet she notice how scared miyeon was. she was shaking so much. tears were forming in her eyes. what made her so scared of him? before she was all over him, but now she looks terrified of him. yuki has never seen her cousin smile this much and all because of a woman he met a few months ago. he always been cold so how did he change so fast? she watches as he had his arm around your waist, talking to his parents. miyeon wanted to vomit, seeing how your husband was touching you with his bloody hands. how could you not see that true monster he is? he must manipulated you very good to make sure you didn't leave him. she felt so bad that you were married to jungkook.

"i have something for you, mother" jungkook said loudly so everyone could hear. he walks into the kitchen to pull out a present. "it isn't my birthday yet?" she said. "i know, but i just wanna thank you for finding me the perfect wife. if it wasn't for you, i won't be this happy with (y/n)" he kisses you. mrs. jeon takes the present and takes a seat. everyone was watching to see what did the youngest son give to his mother. jungkook hugs you tightly, feeling very excited to see his mother's reaction. mrs.jeon took a deep breath in before opening the bag. she removes the extra paper to see something white. when she pulls it, jia gasped knowing what it is. mrs.jeon looks at it and gasped as well. "a-are you pregnant?" she looks at you.

you smiled and nodded. she quickly from the seat and hugs you. jia claps, congratulations her cousin along with her husband, understanding why he wanted to talk to them. seoyeon and mina were shock but clapped as well. yuki stood there frozen while miyeon was shaking even more. "surprise!" jungkook shouts. "congratulations, son" mr.jeon hugs his son. "thank you, father" he smiles. "since when did you two know?" his mother asked. you look at jungkook who still has his bunny smile. "a few weeks" he replied. "oh god! im gonna be a grandmother!" she shouts happily. you walked over to the bag and pulled out two more baby clothing.

"did you read what the clothes say?" jungkook asked. his mother looks at the romper and sees the number one. she then looks at you to see the number two and three. "you're having triplets?" mr.jeon looks at his son "ahh! three?! three?!" your mother in law shouts as she runs through the living room. your husband laughs and hugs you again. "we're having triplets!" the two of you shout. yuki couldn't believe that her cousin is going to be a father so soon. she looks over to miyeon who looked like she was gonna past out. seoyeon was tearing up. she was jealous that you were going to be a mother and that you received love from your husband. mina, on the other hand, was happy for you two. the time being here, she could see that the two of you truly love each other. mina knew she would never be a mother because of her husband yet she's happy that she's going to be an aunt of three adorable babies.

jungkook's eyes made eye contact with his older brother who just arrived. "what is going on?" he ask, seeing his mother crying and holding a baby romper. "well, big brother. you're gonna be an uncle. my wife is pregnant with triplets" jungkook said with a smirk on his face. junsu dropped his phone, hearing those words. wife...pregnant...triplets...how on earth did he change so quickly? junsu looks at you who gave him a smile. it was all your fault. if you never said yes to the marriage, no one would get hurt. you were the reason why his little brother changed into a beast. junsu clenched his fist when he saw them kiss. then he remembers that you have no idea what your husband is doing.

'how can he act so innocent, knowing he killed so many people?'

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