Fates Tied, Freedom Denied

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"Yongbok? Are you alright?" Jisung asked the younger boy, who stared off into the distance, watching the setting sun cast its amber rays over their territory, the moon rising far away, from the hills.

The boy looked at Jisung with a smile, a breeze picking up speed to blow his blonde hair in all directions.

"I'm alright, sung." He said, although Jisung could hear the sigh at the end of his sentence. 

He knew why Felix was pretending to be happy, although he was doing a horrible job at it. Who would happy when all freedom was ripped from your life, who would be happy when their entire life was promised to a fixed destiny, to an inevitable future, to someone else ?

The moon had revealed itself from the hills, it was a full moon night. The white celestial body rising steadily, as the sun retired from the long day. 

"Want to run along the waterfalls? It might take your mind of all this marriage business." Jisung proposed with a pitiful smile.

Felix smiled, his face lighting up at the idea of running along the waterfalls. It was his favorite place from their territory, it was his special place.

Jisung morphed quickly, his clothes disappearing from his body as reddish-brown fur appeared instead. His eyes turned a deep orange, and his nails grew longer, turning into claws. 

He looked at Felix, who had also finished morphing. Jisung had probably seen him as a wolf a few hundred times, but he would never get used to the beauty of the wolf. The snow white fur glowing in the light of the moon, his nordic blue eyes sparkling as he looked over the cliff once more before facing him. The breeze blew suddenly in great force, revealing a black tattoo on the younger boy's fur, the mark of the future Luna.

"Ready?" Jisung asks, the wind cooling their bodies off. 

Felix nodded, taking the lead and sprinting forward, with Jisung following behind. They started in a slow jog while climbing down from the cliff. The moon had risen overhead now, and it wasn't too hard to see where they were going, especially with their sharp vision.

Once they were down, Felix looked at his fraternal twin brother, grinning before taking off in a run.

Jisung let out a bark at his brother, chasing after him. They ran through the woods, dark and thin trees reducing to a mere line as they ran. 

Felix was naturally faster than him, and swifter too. He was tiny, and quite fragile like him, always teased for their smaller figures by the bulkier alphas and betas of their pack. 

"Bok-ah, can you slow down a bit, the path is getting rocky, it's hard to run..."Jisung howled out, the other understanding and slowing down for his twin.

"We're here anyway." Felix responded, the trees parting to reveal a big lake with a waterfall in the middle.

It was night, and to anyone else, it didn't really seem like a special place. It was in a hidden part of the forest, where animals didn't tread a lot, thanks to the amount of rocks on the path that could easily hurt their paws.

Felix sat right where the waters stilled, the soil ground wet and cool for them to rest. 

Jisung was breathing hard from the run, and Felix apologized silently. He hadn't meant to run so fast, it was on instinct. He had so much on his mind that he used running to leave it all behind, even if it only for a few minutes.

Felix placed a paw in the water, playing around with the clear crystal water by moving it back and forth gently.

"You are troubled..." Jisung said, determined on making Felix tell what was bothering him, rather than letting it eat him up.

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