I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

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"Attack." Hongjoong commands in a low voice, the soldiers immediately following his words as the two armies launched at each other, shouts and yells echoing the room.

The pack alphas immediately met each other in the center of the room, slashing their swords against each other, the metal sending sparks around them at the impact. The two glared at each other with their swords frozen in the air against the other, the strength from both sides not moving the other by an inch. 

"Let him go." Hyunjin says threateningly, glancing towards the omega who was trembling at the corner, scrunching his face and bending over in pain. 

"My ex-omega? Of course, right after I kill you and him for the death of my father." Hongjoong answers, gritting his teeth and pushing the alpha with the slight distraction, the latter sliding back and defending himself from the next series of attacks, the amber leader using his temporary weakness to land several swings of his sword. 

"Ex-omega? He's my mate, you asshole." The midnight pack alpha seethes, swinging his sword to cut through the shoulder of the other alpha. Blood trickles down the minor wound, Hongjoong flinching at the action before stepping back a few steps to place a hand on his wound. His smile doesn't falter, the white fangs grinning at Hyunjin menacingly. 

"It seems not everything between you both was revealed after all. Felix was to be my consort first, before the whole prophecy was established. This land was to be my inheritance, only to have to steal it from me." Hongjoong says with a smirk, the other alpha staring at him blankly. 


"What a fool for a ruler." Hongjoong comments, laughing before he tightens his smile to a frown, swinging his sword again, Hyunjin caught by surprise at the sudden attack. He ducks on the floor, using his leg to trip the alpha, the latter stumbling back and catching his balance on a pillar with his sword. 

"Why do you think my father wanted to invade years ago, Hyunjin? Felix was to be married to me, making the successor to the pack alpha here, and in the amber territory." Hongjoong explains, careful not to get ambushed by the taller alpha, evading every attack skillfully. 

"Until you had to be put into the picture, ruining everything. My father gave Felix's a choice, it's either the prophecy or his life. He chose the former, and he paid for it. But my father's death was something completely unaccounted for. All because of you and Felix." The amber leader shouts over the noise, blood stinking the room, injured and wounded bodies laying around the room, severed heads and limbs laying around. 

"I lost my father, my childhood, my life and my freedom at the age of ten, forced to be crowned prince and take my father's name. I lost my parents, my family and it was all because of you, and your pathetic mate!" The alpha yells, his mask crumbling to ashes as his true nature shines through, his eyes glowing green and yellow, his nails growing into claws and scratching the handle of his sword. He growls, loud and clear, the noise echoing the courtroom as everything stilled at his outburst. 

Hyunjin stands stunned in his spot, his eyes staring in shock at the leader. He regains his composure after a few seconds, noticing the change in his demeanor. 

"You'll pay for it, you and your mate. I'll kill your mate, your kids and everything that destroyed my life." The amber leaders says in a low voice, approaching the taller alpha with nothing but a killing intent. His words seem to switch something in the brunette, his own eyes turning a shade of a venomous emerald green, his own pair of fangs shining at the leader. He strikes with his sword, not stopping his attacks for anything. 

"Don't call my mate pathetic, ever. Don't you dare a speak a word against him, he has done nothing wrong against you. His own childhood was ripped away like yours. He lost his father in that same battle, so you're no one to talk of suffering when all Felix had done was be in pain since the day he got married to me." Hyunjin retorts, striking another wound at the alpha's shoulder, blood gushing out of the more serious wound. Hongjoong is disabled temporarily, clutching his shoulder as he tries to heal quicker, using his own pack alpha strength to rejuvenate. 

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