I hurt you and I'm sorry, all I wanted was to love somebody

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Not a word was spoken between the two for a while, except for small curt instructions for Felix to move according to where Hyunjin was rubbing the oil. At first it had been awkward, but then the freckled omega had felt himself relax unconsciously, leaning into the alpha's chest and laying there comfortably. 

Hyunjin smiled to himself, as Felix gently stirred, the water around the two of them slightly sloshing around at the movement. There wasn't a lot of water, just enough to cover Felix's baby bump and up to his waist. It was evident that this was lulling the omega to sleep and it pleased the alpha that Felix was finally comfortable around him. 

He scoots closer, his hands going from Felix's neck and shoulders to his back. The smaller male let out a satisfied hum and rested his head on the wall of the bathroom, moving forward slightly to give the older male space. 

It was when Hyunjin pressed firmly on a particular spot, that Felix let out a slight sound, something between a whimper and a muffled moan and he hastily covered his mouth with his hand. His face flushed red in embarrassment, glancing over at the alpha to see his reaction. 

Hyunjin was no better, almost equaling the omega as the tip of his ears burnt red, staring right at the freckled boy, his mouth open in shock. The blonde bit the back of his hand, as if punishing himself and hid his face in his hands, looking away from the alpha. 

A fond smile laced the alpha's lips as he went back to his massaging Felix's back, laying a soft peck on the omega's shoulder. 

"You're so cute." He whispers just for the two of them to hear and the omega blushes red again, smiling slightly. 

"Stop..." The freckled blonde mumbles and Hyunjin chuckles at his response as he finishes oiling the omega's back. He sits there awhile, hesitating on what to do next. 

The alpha gets up from the tub, grabbing the oil bottle and placing it on the side infront of the omega. He gets out of the water momentarily, to switch places and sit infront of the freckled boy instead. 

Felix looks confused as the taller male sits in the water once again, but this time he spreads the omega's legs apart to sit in between, pouring oil in his hands and working on the smaller male's shoulders from the front. The action startles the blonde and his blush from earlier turns a little more red as he realizes the position they're in. 

"Relax, Felix...' Hyunjin reminds him as he stares into the freckled boy's eyes with concern, hinting at the way the younger boy suddenly tensed. 

The omega sighs softly and the older male hums as he continues massing Felix's shoulders, his hands gently going lower to his chest. He spreads the oil over the flushed skin and the omega bites his lip nervously. He glances down at the way Hyunjin's hands are gentle, his touch soft and warm. 

There's a silence once again as Hyunjin continues going lower, his fingers brushing against the omega's pink buds and Felix suddenly gasps, a moan tumbling out of lips before he could realize. Hyunjin looks up quickly, retracting his hands suddenly in fear of overstepping boundaries. 

"I-I'm sorry-" Hyunjin suddenly mumbles and he looks away, his cheeks burning red and the freckled boy is no different. 

"It's o-okay..." Felix stutters almost inaudibly, his voice shaking slightly and this makes the alpha look at him, sensing something wrong. 

"Did I... Did I hurt you...?" Hyunjin asks, not knowing what else to do. The omega flushes a deeper red as he nods only the tiniest bit, before looking up quickly to assure the alpha. 

"It's n-not like... that kind of hurt..." He mutters softly and the alpha looks confused, making Felix groan and hide his face in his hands in embarrassment. 

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