I'd Live For You, I'd Die For You, And It's All For You

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"The kingdom is free to invade, my lord. The commoners are outside without protection, it was truly a great plan to strike at a time like this." The minister next to the leader speaks, the latter keening to the flattery of his words. 

"It's a bit too easy almost. However, let us not waste much more time. Send them to the north, towards the Midnight Clan's territory. We shall approach through the western gates. The gatekeepers—"Have been killed, your majesty." Seonghwa completes for the leader, the alpha grinning in satisfaction. 

"You have outdone yourself, minister. Although, we might've had some use with them. Oh well. I shall go with the rest of the soldiers to the east. A friend of mine awaits." Hongjoong says with no remorse whatsoever, staring at the gateway bridge between the midnight and moonstone territories. 

"A friend? Don't you mean, your ex-omega?" Seonghwa says, a glint in his yellowish orange eyes, glowing with evil intent. The leader beside him laughs, empty and emotionless as his heart. 

"He was, Seonghwa. He was, my ex-omega." 


Terror flamed the forest, screams and shouts of agony and pain echoed the valleys, marching troops of soldiers lay their bloodied swords on every innocent soul that fought, that sacrificed for their land. 

They had miscalculated. 


The whole kingdom went into panic as marching troops of red and golden armored soldiers invaded the villages and towns, striking every brave individual who dared to face up to them. The people had been out in the open, not having retreated to safety because never in a million years had they expected the opposing army to invade so unexpectedly. In fact, as per the agreement, they were only supposed to begin the official raids in a week. This is against the legal agreement, this was against all moral principles of war. 

"Fuck." Hyunjin muttered under his breath after another troop of soldiers left the courtroom with his commands, the oncoming of the war stressing him greatly. This was early, way to early and in the worst way possible, he wasn't prepared. 

"Sent our soldiers to the west, and sent another troop to protect the commoners. Women, elderly and children on priority! GO!" Hyunjin yells to one of his commanders, the man nodding frantically and leaving. 

"Fuck Fuck Fuck-" Hyunjin curses, pulling his hair strands in frustration. His mind is swirling with million thoughts each second, the people, his parents, his wife, his kids...!

The clanging of swords snap him out of his panic, steadying his breathing so he doesn't hyperventilate. He's the leader now, there isn't time to panic when people are counting on him, be it his life or death. He unsheathes the sword hanging by his side, ready for the invaders that would enter the castle. Smoke pours through the window, only making him worry even more, the burning smell of forest grass and leaves wafting the room. 

The golden doors of the courtroom slam open, his own guards battling ferociously with the opposing army, their sword clashing against each loudly as they were thrown to the ground. Several of them were battered and bruised, but struggling for the kingdom, protecting their leader from the hands of the enemy. 

"Oh look, the king is simply watching everything from the top of his tower like a damsel in distress. What a lousy coward." A voice speaks out from the  entrance, his sword piercing through of the soldiers that tried to battle him, leaving the said soldier to fall to the ground will coughing out blood, collapsing at the figure's feet. The figure only kicked the body away, grinning at the prince. 

"Minister Seonghwa." Hyunjin grits out, his grip tightening around the handle of his sword. He was inches away from straight out going mad, the partial reason of the war standing before him with a shit-eating grin. 

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