Lost in an endless void, Answers I want to avoid

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"The people can be crazy sometimes, more sugar, dear?" The old woman asked, looking at the Luna.

Felix shook his head with a smile, glad to have found some kind company.

"No, Thank you." He said, sitting down on a chair as the old woman sat down on her rocking chair after turning the wooden sign on her door to 'closed'.

"That should keep them away." She muttered, grabbing some wool and two knitting needles.

"So, what brings you to town, your highness?" The woman asked, silently giving some more tea to Jeongin and Felix.

"Well, The Alp- I mean, my husband had some duties to attend in town, which is why I accompanied him, and now here I am, chased by the townspeople or abandoned in the middle of nowhere." Felix said, muttering the last part to himself. Both the old woman and Jeongin heard it loud and clear though, the silence being way to quiet to ignore.

"He wouldn't keep you with him?" The woman asked, still knitting her red and yellow wool together.

"He basically told me to get lost, just in a nicer way since people were around." Felix said, and the woman tch'ed, but there was a certain way she said it that showed disbelief more than disgust.

"It seems you both hate each other, huh?" The woman drawled on, finding the topic interesting . And Felix was more than happy to oblige, glad to find some outlet to his rage.

"He hates me, that's for sure. And the feeling's mutual." Felix says, crossing his arms. Sighing and releasing his arms a second later.

"But, I promised my brother I would behave and learn to make peace, and as much I hate that idea, I'm trying. And all Hyunjin does is push me away." Felix complains, and the old woman raises an eyebrow, a small smile on her lips.

"And how did you plan to show him you don't hate him so far?" She asks, and Felix frezzes in his seat, seemingly stunned.

"I- Well...I try not to kill him?" Felix says, more like a question than a statement.

"I thought so. It's not the first time I've seen situations like yours. Forgive me if this rude, your highness. But, it seems you haven't really done anything for you to prove you don't hate him." The old woman says, going back to knitting as Felix sat still, thinking.


The servant giggles lightly at the face Felix makes, taking their cups away to the back.

"Find a way to show him you don't hate him." The woman says, the steady clicking of the needles being the only sound in the quiet room.

"And how do I do that?" Felix asks, Jeongin returning to stand next to the Luna.

"What do you do best?" The old woman asked, setting her tools to the side.

"I...I like to bake?" Felix said, gasping suddenly when he realized where this was going.

The woman smiled, getting up and leading the two to the back of the little hut.

"You do remember what place this is, right?" the woman asked, taking out her mixing bowls and ingredients.

"Well, um, I didn't really check...Is this a b-bakery?" Felix asked, looking around the place.

The woman smiled and Felix's eyes widened, his lips tugging upwards into one of his sunshine smiles, clapping his hands excitedly like a little kid.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The woman said, handing aprons to all of them, Felix squealing as he got to work, the woman assisting him along the way.

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