I Hate our love, I do, Hate how much I love you

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"Greetings rulers of the midnight pack. I am the Luna of the Moonstone pack, and is honored to have you in our kingdom. Please, take a seat." The woman said, smiling at the two visitors that had arrived. Strangely enough, only Hyunjin and his mother had come, and there was no sight of his father. 

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Luna of the moonstone pack." Hyunjin's mother had replied, sitting down at the white table in the middle of the green and beautiful garden of a courtyard. 

"Please, call me Minjee." Felix's mother said with a smile, that greatly reminded Hyunjin of Felix's own sunshine smile, one he rarely used to catch when the latter played around with Jeongin. 

"Then feel free to call me Haeun. I assume I am older, so 'unnie' would work too." Hyunjin's mother said, returning the smile as she gestured Hyunjin to speak as well. 

"It's great to finally meet you, Minjee-ssi. You probably know who I am though, even if this is our first formal meeting..." Hyunjin introduced, feeling foolish at the laugh the younger woman gave. 

"My son's husband and father to my grandchildren? Of course I know!" Felix's mother replied, a glint in her eye. 

Hyunjin smiled sheepishly, rubbing his nape nervously. 

"My sons will be here soon. We were a little startled by the sudden visit, if being honest." The woman started, looking at Haeun who nodded in understanding. 

"We are sorry we couldn't inform of our arrival in advance. Truth be told, It was a sudden desecion for us as well. Hyunjin here-" Haeun explained, getting cut off when three boys began to walk hurriedly towards them, all dressed up. 

"So sorry for being late." Felix said, taking the lead and bowing slightly. Haeun laughed, pulling Felix back up to a straight posture, looking at him affectionately. 

"I've told you time and time before, cut with all the bowing. You don't have anything to apologize for dear." Hyunjin's mother said , her eyes turning into crescents as she smiled softly. 

Felix's mother watched with pure fascination as she observed both Hyunjin and his mother. From the outside, they looked and behaved like absolute angels. And from the way Hyunjin had introduced himself, she could see quite clearly that he was different from their last meeting. She hadn't got to know much of her son-in-law, but she could clearly remember exactly how he was during the wedding, unperturbed and uninterested.

But this was not even close to the attitude he had put up with that day....

"Greetings, Luna of the Midnight pack. I'm Jisung, Felix's twin brother." Jisung introduced himself, bowing with a smile. 

"Ah, I've heard about you. Felix has mentioned you quite a lot at our dinner gatherings." Hyunjin's mother greeted back, acknowledging him with a smile as she turned to Minho. 

"Minho, Lee Minho. Jisung's mate, pleasure to meet you, Luna of the Midnight Pack." Minho said, bowing stiffly, subtly glaring at the tall brunette next to the woman.

Fortunately, Haeun hadn't noticed, smiling at Minho as well before turning to the Luna. 

"Well, now that we know who's who, I've got to ask— What brings the both of you here?" Minjee asks finally, clasping her hands together. 

Haeun laughed, pushing her son forward who awkwardly stood behind her. 

"Well, Hyunjin? You're the one who dragged me here." She probed, looking at her son in amusement. 

"Y-Yes... about that... I just... I just wanted t-to see how everyone was d-doing is all..." He stuttered, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. 

Haeun face-palmed and Minjee chuckled under her breath, Jisung snickering as Minho furrowed his eyes questionably, Felix looking confused. Hyunjin slapped himself, shaking his head and trying to get himself to act properly. 

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