Over the ocean, it's overflowing, Colors of blue; But you make it golden

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Seven months had passed like the wind, giving the Luna time to work on helping himself get better mentally, working on his diet and exercise as he slowly but surely began to work around his self-esteem issues, gradually losing all the extra weight and returning to his body before the pregnancy. There were still slight marks around his stomach of the birth, but it was barely visible. Besides, Hyunjin never minded in the first place anyway, he found his slightly chubbier cheeks cute. 

Their triplets were seven months old, when they first started from being able to roll around to clutch onto Felix's hands and get up slowly, giggling and squealing before they dropped back onto the ground. It was a long process, but with patience they would finally reach there. 

"Come on, Mimi." Felix says, sitting on the mat of their triplets nursery and calling out for his daughter. The little girl crawls up to him with a smile, giggling before grabbing his hands that were outstretched for her. He helps her get a hold of herself, the little girl balancing on her little two feet, wobbling around for a while. 

Hyunjin was sitting a few feet away, bouncing Hyunjun on his lap as he looked at Felix with a smile. Felix lets the little girl balance while holding his hand and his shoulder, before stepping towards her father in a little small step. Hyunjin looks at her expectantly, calling out to her. He scoots a little closer, but doesn't make an effort to actually pick her up. 

"Go to daddy, Mimi..." Felix says softly, leading her hand out and helping the little girl step forward again. Slowly, but surely, the oldest triplet steps forward, stumbling a bit before walking towards her father. She giggles as she lands on her father's awaiting arms, hugging the alpha happily. Hyunjin showers her in kisses, glancing at Felix happily. 

"Dohyunnie, come here lovely." Felix calls out and the little boy raises his head. Hyunjun seemed to have heard the call as well, crawling out his father's lap and towards Felix. 

The two reach Felix's lap, looking at each other in confusion before Hyunjun frowns at his brother, tugging his mother's sleeve, a sign for him to pick him up. 

"Junnie, I called for Dohyun. It'll be your turn soon, darling..." Felix says, trying to distract their youngest with a toy, which seems to work, but not without a few fussy whines. 

"I swear I don't know how I'll handle them when they grow up. Or you, for that matter." Felix mumbles, to which Hyunjin laughs, his ears burning red. All the triplets were always in some silent war for Felix's attention (which included Hyunjin as well) and honestly, Felix had no idea how he could keep up with it.

"Alright Dohyun-ah, just go to Dadda alright?" Felix coaxes softly, helping him get up from the floor while balancing himself. He clings into Felix's shoulder, before wobbling forward and taking a few steps. He tumbles down halfway, landing on the soft mat with a thud. Glancing at his father, who's waiting for him with his older sister, he gets up again with a determined pout, grabbing the mat halfway to get up before stumbling forward to Hyunjin's awaiting arms, plopping down with a small soft giggle as Hyunjin kisses his forehead. 

Hyunjun is already waiting by Felix's shoulder, stomping his little foot on the mattress and beaming widely with his toothless smile at Hyunjin, excited. Hyunjin laughs at his interest, beckoning his son towards him as Hyunmi crawls off his lap to play with a stuffed bear. 

"Go on Junnie." Felix says, pushing him slightly forward and the little boy takes his first few steps quite too excitedly, stumbling down half-way through. He sits on the floor, pouting and looking at Felix with a frown. He crawls back to his mother, not attempting to get up again. 

Felix only brushes the messy hair out of his face and helps him up again, with  only a few whines from the small boy. 

Eventually, Hyunjun is walking forward with wobbly steps, passing the spot he fell down and running forward before falling down right before his father. Hyunjin considers it a win, picking him up and giving him a congratulatory kiss on the head like his siblings. 

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