I have died every day waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you

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Jisung awoke from his slumber when a sudden groan echoed the room, his one eyes opening lazily to look at his brother. Felix was shifting around horribly in his sleep, his knees curling up to his chest as his face contorted to an expression of pain. 

"Fuck..." Felix mumbles, waiting for the contraction to pass. He takes a dee breath in, focusing his blurry vision on his surroundings before relaxing again.

"How... long..." Jisung mumbles, yawning as he looks at the clock on the bedroom wall. His eyes widen in surprise before jumping off his chair. 

"Four hours? Felix, have bad are the contractions getting?" Jisung asks, sitting next to the bed and wiping the sweat off his brother's forehead and face with a towel. Felix sighs under his breath, wincing slightly as another pain hits, not a contraction but close enough. 

"They're more painful now..." He mumbles, and slowly, Jisung helps him get up. he calls for a servant immediately, telling them to get their physician. Felix breathes in slowly, his eyes shut tight as the pain passes. He feels a wet trickling down his leg and his eyes widen with anxiety. 

"Sungie... my water... broke..." He mumbles while his twin calms him down from the nervousness. Soon enough, both the head and assistant doctor rush in, with Sangyeon standing next to Felix and checking his overall state quickly. 

"He's alright, although I assume he must be going to into the active labor stage now, sonce his water broke and the contractions are getting more close together. Not to worry, it's normal for irregular timings with first time mothers. I suggest we move you into a room and get you changed as well. You'll need more comfortable clothes, and your highness, don't panic, there's plenty of time still left. Labor is a long process, and I promise you, you'll get through this just fine." Sangyeon reassures him with a smile, and Felix breathes out nervously. This was happening, really happening. 

"Breathe, in and out, Lixie." Jisung helps him, when he notices his brother panicking. He crouches down to his level, holding his hands and helping him through the second contraction that hits him. Felix whimpers, closing his eyes tightly as his abdomen cramps with pain. 

"That was nine minutes since the last contraction, and there's a slight bleeding as well, which is good. Your body is preparing well. Let's get you to another room, okay?" Sangyeon speaks in a soft voice, also kneeling down to meet the blonde omega's eyes. Felix nods quickly, getting up with the help of his brother and following the physician. The assistant doctor leaves to prepare a room while Sangyeon gives him a white gown, one that would let him breathe more easily. 

Eventually, he's laid down in a bed in the clinical care. It's similar to the room where his husband slept, with the only difference being some more medical items being arranged out to the side of his bed on a table. 

"Now, usually with triplets we do perform a C-section. But, we can't decide anything just yet. I suggest we wait it out a little more, and see how much you've dilated." Seungmin tells him, as he puts on two gloves, and shifts the pillows around the Luna so he's sitting comfortably. 

"Would you like something to eat, you highness?" He asks, and Felix shakes his head, too nervous to speak. Jisung glances at him in concern, patting his head gently. 

"Felix, you haven't eaten in six hours, it's unhealthy. Your hands are shaking." Jisung points out, his lips pursed into a thin line. Felix sighs out, laying his head back onto the pillow. 

"I don't feel like eating..."

"But you'll need the energy, Yongbok." Jisung counters, looking a his twin with worried eyes. Felix looks at his hands, which are most definitely shaking, out of hunger or nervousness, maybe both. 

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