Now matter how much I wait, I'm not a stranger to being alone anymore

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A week had passed by in a blur, with harsh cold days of mourning for the dead. A funeral had been arranged shortly after the announcement of those who passed. Both of the two packs had gone quiet, the entire territory announcing a holiday to honor the sacrifices of those brave souls. 

It had been hard to swallow, those precious souls who had laughed and protected with their lives now were carried into their graves, forever engraved into stones that held the memory of their sacrifice. The queen had cried, horribly as she watched the body of her best friend being carried to her grave, and Felix hadn't been able to stay for the entire ceremony, too broken with everything happening at once to stand amidst the pouring rain. 

A special memorial was done for the soldiers and Master Lee Minhyuk, for his honorable service of over twenty years. The bell had rung three times at the town center, and leaders of all the packs had been invited for the mourning. Of course, there was the tension between the amber pack for the loss of their leader, who was also buried dutifully along with the soldiers of his pack. 

Which brings us to the court room, where the discussion of the power sharing arrangement for the four packs was to be finalized. The leader of the Blood Moon Clan, Peniel had begrudgingly joined the gathering, still upset about the ordeal of events. Even after all the loss, the Moonstone and Midnight Pack had won their victory, and so it was up to them as to how they would want to divide the pack. 

"Greetings to the Leaders of the Amber and Blood Moon Clan, thank you for joining us today." Jisung begins, getting up from his seat, next to his brother's. He clears his throat at the awkward and thick silence that follows, glancing at his twin to continue. Felix gives him a brief nod, before getting up from his throne as well. 

"We are here today, to discuss the arrangement of the clans. Since our last peace treaty was violated and no longer bears truth, we shall be providing a new truce agreement for the four packs to exist together." Felix begins, stepping down from his throne and glancing at both of the clan leaders. 

"Shin Peniel-ssi, Park-Seonghwa-ssi, as the leaders of the two clans, I put it up with you to decide if you wish to continue with a equalized ruling system." Felix asks first, and the room goes silent once again. The ministers of each clan begin to whisper among each other, the leader looking at each with a grim face. 

"You have won the war, it is up to your majesty to choose." Seonghwa replies, a solemn look at his face. The omega notices, smiling at the man. 

"Our clan merely protected the territory. We do not wish to seize power." He replies back simply, making the pack leader look up. His eyes held doubt, but there was more to his figure, like something heavy was laid upon his shoulders. 

"You brother, although consumed by the greediness of his heart for power, was an honorable man. He accepted defeat before dying, and hence he shall be a memorable figure in our lands. We do not hold any resent towards your people, Seonghwa-ssi, if that is what you're thinking." Felix tells him a much more softer voice, only a symbol of kindness. The alpha only stares at the Luna in surprise, but a smile begins to bloom on his own face. 

"Truly, the rumors don't do you justice, your highness." The amber pack high minister says, bowing towards the Luna. Felix reciprocates the action, straightening back up with a more serious face. 

"We leave it up to you to decide, your majesty." Peniel speaks up from the side after thorough discussion with his ministers. The Luna nods, glancing towards the amber pack leader who nods in agreement as well. 

"Then, me and the court officials have come to a settlement. Peniel-ssi, you shall dethroned of your position as pack alpha, however, you shall be awarded the role of high minister. My brother shall be in charge of your pack, but you will have the highest power in his absence. However, any decree, law, or rule will be ministered by our pack. Further details will be provided to you by my brother." Felix announces, to which Peniel nods with a bow. The blonde omega then turns towards the amber pack high minister. 

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