Dohyun Loved His Siblings, Really

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[Time: Takes place when they're about 16, before the coronation]


Dohyun loves his siblings, really, he did.

Why does this feel like he was trying to convince himself?

It was supposed to be another regular day, training with Chan seonsaeng-nim in the morning, school in the afternoon and then tea with their grandmothers in the garden. Maybe things got a little off course when Chan brought his other pupils to the morning session as well, but their teacher promised it was just this once, and he wasn't able to arrange any other time for his second batch.

The triplets always practiced by themselves with Chan, and they didn't have other students during their morning sessions. But it was fine really, besides, it was getting a little boring to see Hyunjun and Hyunmi trying to decapitate each other.

Ah, he should've just quit training and went to the forest to become a hermit when he had the chance.

"Prince Dohyun, you don't fight much do you?" The annoying boy sitting next to him quipped, smirking at the prince who had a book in hand and a sword lying next to him.

"I duel when I need to and when teacher Chan requires me to. You've been here sitting next to me for half the class, I guess you don't fight either?" Dohyun replies, trying to be as courteous as he possibly could. He didn't mind company, it's not his tree anyway, but this boy was asking him questions and annoying him every few minutes.

The alpha beside him looked offended at the question, narrowing his eyes at the prince.

"I was just trying to get to know you, prince. You seemed lonely sitting all by yourself here." The boy remarked, staring at the prince for a reaction, The prince remained as impassive as ever, although his brain was screaming at him to run. Also, how dare this random ass boy just assume he wants his company, he likes being alone for heaven's sake.

"Well, you're mistaken. I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Dohyun tries to get the boy to leave him alone, but the alpha doesn't relent, continuing to probe him annoyingly. Seriously, how does he not get the hint?

"My prince-", the alpha starts yet again, and Dohyun wanted to gag, "I'm simply looking out for you, besides as an omega prince, it must be difficult to-"

Dohyun reeled back, absolutely disgusted. As an omega prince? Does this dude think he's a damsel in distress just because of his secondary gender?

"You think-" The prince began, trying to think of the best way to get out of the situation without seeming like too much of an asshole.

"Lee Geonhee, teacher Chan was wondering where you went. I suggest you pay attention to class rather than sit here and prattle all day.' A voice interrupts Dohyun, and the prince turns his head to see another alpha boy approach them, sword in hand indicating he just came back from practice. Dohyun signs internally. Great, another one, he thinks.

"Yoo Jaehyuk, I was just giving the prince company." The other boy retorts, getting up from the ground and picking up his sword. He glares at the other alpha, although it's rather comical. Yoo Jaehyuk is taller, maybe two heads taller than Dohyun himself.

"I don't think his highness requires company. He seems alright without it." Jaehyuk comments, looking at the prince for just a second before glaring at Geonhee. The latter splutters, fuming now. Dohyun looks surprised, but schools his expression back to normal immediately.

"Lee Geonhee!" A voice calls from farther away, and teacher Chan looks a little mad at the delay. Geonhee clicks his tongue, annoyed at Jaehyuk for embarrassing him like this.

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