Mysteries discovered, Truths uncovered

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The travel to town was quiet, only because the pair couldn't really talk, in case the soldiers heard. They couldn't risk it, especially at such a sensitive matter.

Jeongin had suggested Felix wear special scent blockers, for he believed that his scent would spike up at a worrying rate, and might draw unwanted attention. Especially when they were to enter a town where wolves of all types mingled together.

They had stopped only to get necessary items, stopping by at the corner of the town right where the warmth of a certain bakery lay.

"What brings you boys here?" A cheery voice called out from the back of the bakery, a tuft of greying hair peeking out from the kitchen window to the counter.

"Hello, Grandmother." Felix says with a smile, placing his white fur coat away on an empty seat, walking inside to the back, Jeongin following close behind.

"Hello, dears. What a nice surprise to see you both this dull morning. Anything I can get you?" The woman asked, dropping her spoon in the sink as she placed a fresh batch of marble cake in the stone oven.

"That's alright, we had our food before coming." Felix said, helping the old woman into her familiar rocking chair.

"That's good. I didn't have any tea anyway." The woman laughed, making the other two boys chuckle along.

"However, it brings me back to my first question. Why the sudden visit?" The woman asked, pushing her old spectacles up her nose, looking carefully between Jeongin and Felix.

Jeongin decided to take the wheel from there, shifting his chair so he sit closer to the old woman.

"Well, there is a reason we've come. And since you have worked as a mid-wife and is experianced with this sort of stuff, we figured it would be best to come to you." Jeongin began, and the old woman sat up in her seat, listening carefully.

"For the record, he wanted me to come here. I have little to no idea why he thinks something is wrong." Felix says hurriedly, letting Jeongin nod before turning to the old woman again.

"Well, what's the matter? You're getting me worried..." The woman said, her voice starting to raise higher in concern.

"This morning, Felix had cramps. Horrible ones at that. And his scent has had an unreasonable increase in the past few hours. And not to mention, the addition of new scents mixing. Peaches and Honey from this morning." Jeongin informs, and the old woman nods, listening intently.

"I see. Anything else?" The old woman asks, reaching to the side to open a set of wooden old cupboards.

"Not that I've noticed." Jeongin answers, as the woman pulls something out her drawer.

A crystal. Diamond, Felix figures.

"Felix, if you're wearing scent blockers, I suggest you take them off. Jeongin dear, would you mind closing the windows?" The baker asks, and the servant immediately obeys. 

Once the room was sealed, and no a single bug come come in nor out, Felix hesitantly peeled his scent blockers off.

Immediately, a sweet intoxicating honey smell encased the room, a weird mix of other fruits adding the addition. 

The woman sniffed the air, mumbling something to herself.

"Honey— That's your scent. Something bitter yet sweet, Dark Chocolate— Hyunjin's I presume. Then there's this mix of fruits. Peaches? Yeah, and...Lemon?" The woman added, as Jeongin and Felix stared in shock.

"And something else....Hmm..." The woman mumbled, sniffing more of the air around her as she tried to figure out what could possible be the last smell.

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