And no matter whatever I do, I will never not think about you

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Eventually, Jisung had dragged his brother (yet again) out of the room and into his own bedroom, tucking him in with a good-natured sigh. He glances at the bulging spot on the omega's tummy, the smell of fruits and honey roses spreading around the room. 

"The triplets are really restless, huh?" He whispers, mostly to himself, chuckling as he watches his twin mumble something in his sleep, hugging the pillow between his legs and drifting to sleep again. Felix and him were only born a few minutes apart, but even with that difference, Felix would always seem like his baby brother. 

"Goodnight, Lixie." He mumbles, closing the door softly and walking away. It wasn't an unfamiliar routine for him, yet it always brought him a certain warmth of hope. The Gods had destined those two together, his brother had gone through enough, he knew they would be merciful to his brother's fate. 

"I have a good feeling." Jisung mutters when he feels a hand intertwine with his, a soft kiss on his cheek following the action. A bitter smell of leather and oak hits his nose and he breathes it in, looking at his mate walking beside him. 

"About?" Minho asks shortly, smiling at him as they walk to their shared bedroom. 

"About Hyunjin, and him." Jisung says, sighing softly under his breath as he enters their room. Minho shrugs, but with a small reassuring smile on his face. 

"I think I know what you mean. But we'll just have to wait, and see." Minho answers him, wrapping a hand around his waist and kissing him sweetly, separating and pressing their foreheads together affectionately as Jisung smiles at him widely. 

And as fortunate as it seemed, they didn't have to wait for long.


It was the day when the new town hall was to be inaugurated, the day the high ministers of the other two packs was to leave after the signing of the new peace treaty, the commemoration of the wolf war and the new territorial ruling after the anguish it brought. It was difficult, arranging for so many things at once, but eventually Felix was able to make it to the venue where the festival was to be held, the festival that would announce the new rule of the Midnight and Moonstone pack. 

The high minister of Moonstone, Yeonjun, was present for the cutting of the ribbon for the town hall, and soon enough, the festival was conducted with full splendor. The high ministers of the other two packs were sent off in their carriages. The treaty was signed and announced to the people, and thankfully, the population had taken it well. 

Presently, the omega was rushing around the town hall, talking with different townspeople and greeting them all with a smile. Hyunjin's mother and his mother were conversing in the garden and his brother and in-law would be found somewhere in the crowd. He wasn't too worried, it was never too hard conversing with the townspeople, even if they could get a bit too curious about the whereabouts of his husband. 

It was in the middle of his conversation with the daughters of the duke from the family of Shin, Lady Yuna Shin and Ryujin Shin, that he felt a sudden pain in his stomach. It was different from the kicking of triplets, instead, it was a horrible sharp jab at his abdomen and back. He winced, clutching his stomach as the pain faded away terribly slowly. 

"Your highness, are you alright?" Lady Yuna asks, looking at him in worry. The blonde omega nods, breathing through his mouth as the contraction passes. It's unfamiliar, the pain. It settles in his lower half, like pins and needles being pierced through him. 

"Ugh." He groans as the pain seems to go and come back within a span of few seconds. This alerts the two sisters, their eyes widening and looking around for someone to call for assistance. They meet eyes with the other twin, his eyes widening in concern as he notices the state of his brother. 

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