The beating of my heart, slows when we part.

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(AN: Comment as you go along! I love reading them!)


The white omega woke up to the sun shining inside the cave, disturbing his lovely beauty sleep. He woke up with a groan, shaking his fur to get rid of the dirt and soil. Felix looked around the cave, noticing he was the only one in the cave. 

"Where..." He mumbled, walking out of the cave. He looked around outside, the rock structure, the wet soil making his paws sink into the ground. The rain had cleared up, and there were drops of water dripping down from the luscious green leaves of the trees overhead.

The sun managed to shine through the trees, drying up patches of the wet soil. There were birds chirping overhead, and by the way the shadows were directed on the ground, it was safe to say if was way past the early morning.

There was a low snarl emitted from the bushes, and the omega jumped in fear, his claws fixing itself on the soil, his eyes growing wide to look around the area for the sound. The bushes next to him starting moving around, and the omega smelt a heavy musky smell in the air. It was becoming more and more prominent by the passing minute. 

Suddenly, there was a growl, and a black figure jumped from the bushes, launching itself on Felix making them both tumble across the wet grassy soil, furious noises of discomfort from the ball of black and white fur. The two figures struggled against each other, making them tumble down a slope, mud covering their wet fur.

The two rolled down the small hill, and they were flung into the calm water of the river, a huge splash of water sounding around the quiet forest.

There was another splash as the white wolf disentangled himself from the black swimming ashore and away from the freezing cold water of the river. The black wolf did the same, grumbling under his breath as he walked up the muddy bank of the river, shaking himself to rid the water on his fur.

Felix let out a snarl, all the water from the black wolf wetting him instead, the alpha simply scoffing as he sat down on the banks.

"What the fuck was that?!" Felix asked angrily, once he had dried himself. He turned back to face the alpha was he was dry, kicking a stone. 

The omega shrieked as soon he turned back, Hyunjin was back as a human, discarding his wet clothes and lying half-naked on the grass for the sun to dry him.  The alpha scoffed at the reaction, the omega keeping his back turned away from the alpha.

"I was hunting my breakfast. Until you ruined it." Hyunjin said with a grumble, tilting his head to the side to get the water out of his head.

The white wolf rolled his eyes, remembering a grey rabbit hopping away before he was practically strangled by the alpha.

"Well, The rain's stopped and it's high time we went back to the palace." Felix stated, to which the alpha let a snort, getting up from his slopped position and walking away from the omega.

"Well, are you coming?" The black wolf asked, staring at the omega coldly.

Felix let out a confused noise, turning back and following the other wolf anyway. Not like he had a choice, he needed to get out of this forest and he had no clue which right or left to take.

"This way, your highness. Unless you'd like falling off a cliff?" Hyunjin mocked, watching as the white wolf accidentally trailed off the path, looking at the forest trailing away.

"Might as well do it when I have the chance." Felix muttered quietly, the alpha glancing at him quickly, shaking his head as they continued to walk in the direction of the castle.

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