If I'm with you like now tonight, I could die in this moment

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The tall brunette reaches out for the shampoo and body wash, placing them by the side and squirting a bit of the shampoo on his hands while pushing his husband away from the water so it wouldn't wash away the shampoo. He lathered up the liquid and let it foam, before massaging it into the blonde hair. 

"Are you feeling alright, my love?" Hyunjin asks, to which the omega nods with a soft sigh. Felix closes his eyes and leans back into the alpha's chest, relishing in the calming feeling. 

"Just a little bit sore, but I'm okay." Felix mumbles softly to assure the older male, and Hyunjin hums softly, using the body wash next to clean up the omega from their previous endeavors. He lets his one arm hug the smaller male from his hip, while the other uses the scrub to clean the blonde. 

Felix leans onto the alpha's shoulder as the scrub rubs over his body, a gentle touch at his hip as the brunettes fingers rub soothing circles over the skin. 

"Pretty little angel." Hyunjin whispers, turning them around so the water washes off the shampoo and body wash at the same time, rubbing away the suds and cleaning his omega up. Felix takes the scrub from his hands, repeating the same action with the alpha.

His little hands rest at his chest as they face each other, Felix's eyes concentrated on cleaning the alpha thoroughly. He stops for a second, looking at the alpha in the eyes with a soft smile before leaning up to kiss him. Hyunjin doesn't flinch, responding immediately while tracing circles on the blonde's back. 

The freckled male tugs his bottom lip, separating from the kiss before it ends up leaving elsewhere with a teasing smile, a red blush on his freckled cheeks. 

"Stop, you're turning me on..." Hyunjin complains, pinching the omega's pinkish hued cheeks before leaving a peck on his red and shiny lips. The latter laughs at his statement, his hands gripping the older male's forearms with a squeeze before placing the shampoo and shower gel away, the water rinsing the both of them off. It was beginning to get steamy, the water getting a little more hot as the time passed between them quietly, just staring at each other. 

"Sometime I want to get on one knee and propose to you, and then I remember we're married and have kids together. And then I wonder how the hell did I ever get so lucky as to be your husband and father to our darlings." The alpha suddenly says out of the blue, making the freckled male snort in amusement, shoving the taller male on the side playfully. 

"You're getting cheesy, let's get out of this hot water before you start reciting horrible pick up lines next." Felix retorts quickly, turning off the shower as the alpha laughs, a cheeky glint in his eye. 

"If you were a flower, you'd be a damnnnnndelion–"Hyunjin. No." Felix cuts him off quickly, turning around with a pleasing look. The taller male only takes that as an invitation, cackling evilly before continuing. 

"I like you a lily bit more every time I see you, not a daisy goes by when I don't think about you." The alpha says, as the smaller male sighs, drying his hair with a towel. 

"If you and I were flowers, we'd have a budding romance." 

"I swear to the Gods Hyunjin–" 

"If I had a garden, I'd put my two lips and your two lips together." The alpha keeps on going, laughing as the omega throws a white towel on his face, crossing his arms after. 

"Are you done?" Felix asks, rubbing his temple with a look of misery. 

"I mean I could keep going if you want to–"NO, DON'T YOU DARE!" The freckled male shouts, reaching forward to shut the alpha's mouth but his hand is caught in the air midway, and to his horror, the alpha only smiles sneakily at him. 

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