I just wanted comfort, but all that I feel is Hurt.

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Felix had been separated from Hyunjin, partially because they both wouldn't stop fighting when they met each other, but mostly because the older of the two would practically seethe with rage the moment they were in the same room. 

They both had taken different rooms, and their time in the court room was also divided, and not to mention how each of them would come to eat all their meals at different times of the day. 

It was getting frustrating for everyone, the cooks having to make meals six times, the servants having to clamber around for two separate people, the ministers having to explain everything twice and get both the Luna's and Alpha's opinion in different matters. 

Not to mention the fact that their opinions were poles apart. 

They didn't even understand why Hyunjin was making such a big deal out of this anyway, he should've seen this coming. It was only a matter of time before it happened, since what was destined after marriage was to take course soon after. No one understand why the Pack Alpha was angry at something that was bound to happen. 

Felix didn't get it either, and although the reaction of the alpha that night had turned into something traumatic, it only made his already fragile heart fight more against it. 

What was wrong? Everything, Felix justified. This whole thing from the day he exchanged rings with the Pack Alpha had been damned, absolutely everything. 


The blonde haired Luna woke up, his stomach churning as he rushed himself to the bathroom, emptying his half-digested meals from yesterday into the toilet. He retched into the bowl, his throat beginning to burn. 

Jeongin had barged into the room at the sound, crouching next to Felix as the poor boy began to cough violently, his mouth and throat burning, the nauseating smell wanting him to throw up even more. Jeongin rubbed his back from behind him, a frown on his face as the blonde took a few minutes to catch his breath. 

"You okay, Lixie? Should I call the court physician?" Jeongin asked, and Felix shook his head violently. 

"It's okay, just morning sickness I suppose." Felix said, his voice raspy as he got up shakily from the ground. 

Jeongin helped the Luna from the tiled floor of the bathroom, flushing the toilet with one hand. 

"I'll take a bath and come out soon, could you tell the chefs that I don't want breakfast at the moment? I really don't want food..." Felix said, and Jeongin shook his head, helping the Luna into the bath. 

"You can take a bath, if you're capable of doing it yourself. However, I do not suggest you skipping meals. You're eating for two now, and it's necessary that you eat to keep you and the pup healthy." Jeongin said, and although Felix denied it at first, the servant wouldn't have no as an answer, and the omega eventually gave in. 

And so, It was after Jeongin's advice that Felix ate a light breakfast, much to the relief of the servant. After Felix had had a proper breakfast, the two decided to go to the court physician, for the first check-up. 

3 months since he had broke the news to Hyunjin, and two months since his pregnancy was announced to the entire kingdom, and the people rejoiced at the news. A heir to the throne of the Midnight Pack was apparently what the people believed to be the solution to the unavoidable incompatible  pairing of the Luna and Alpha. 

Little did they know it was the complete opposite. 


"Greetings, your highness, and soon-to-be highness." A voice resonated the unfamiliar walls of the room the Luna and his servant had been seated in, a brown-haired puppy-faced man entering the room. 

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