You're my starlight, that shines more in the deepest night

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Felix bites his lip, another whimper and groan escaping him as the next contraction hits. Hyunjin's eyes go from happiness to worry, and thankfully enough, the Luna's twin moves so Felix's husband can sit in his place. Hyunjin holds the freckled male's hand as he bears through the pain, breathing slowly through it. 

"That was nine minutes apart from the last one." Seungmin notes on his clipboard, as Hyunjin wipes the tears off Felix's face, brushing the hair away from his forehead and wiping his sweat away. 

"Do you need anything?" Hyunjin asks in a soft voice, and Felix shakes his head, focusing on getting through the pain. It hurts more and more with every squeeze, with every jab at his belly. 

"T-Thirsty..." Felix mumbles, and Hyunjin hurries faster than the speed of light, getting a glass of water for his omega. The freckled male refuses the urge to chuckle at his obvious nervousness, somehow relaxing him a bit. 

The door slams open yet again (honestly, Sangyeon doesn't even bother to try this time) as another figure enters the room in panic and anxiousness. Hyunjin's mother stands at the door, worriedly looking between her son and her son-in-law. 

"Felix! Are you alright my dear?" The queen rushes to the omega, instantly checking on him like a mother would. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, having expected as much. His mother turns to look at him, giving him a slightly glare at his disrespect. 

"I have a lot to scold you about later, and you better not pull that sort of stunt again, understood?" His mother berates, glaring at him with her purplish-blue eyes. Hyunjin nods, sighing under his breath. 

Felix sighs this time, as another contraction passes. It's bearable now, painful most definitely, but he was getting used to it. 

"Seven minutes. You can get some shut-eye your highness, you'll need all the energy you can get." Sangyeon advises, handing over the clipboard to his assistant. 

Felix nods shakily, closing his eyes. He feels a soft press on his forehead and smiles, squeezing his husband's hand. Hyunjin was back and safe with him, but now all he wanted was to see his little angels, and hopefully, without much complication. 


Five hours had passed, and the intervals between the contractions began to gradually decrease from seven or nine minutes to five or four, and it came much more painfully too. The two doctors had assisted him all through it, and he hadn't been able to get some proper sleep because of the pain. An hour ago, he began to bleed, but the physician assured him it was all part of the process, and he was doing just fine. 

"Your highness, I need to conduct some routine check-ups." Seungmin asks, and Felix turns his body around with struggle, so the physician can check. After some time, the head physician comes in with gloves hands, raising his legs and placing it comfortably to the side so they can check how much he'd dilated so far. He grimaces slightly at the feeling, but the alpha beside him coaxes him through it. 

"7 cm so far, he's doing fine." Sangyeon says, smiling softly at the Luna for reassurance. Felix nods, gulping down thickly as his eyes begin to water out of anxiety, fear and everything in between. 

"Hyun, I'm scared... what if..." Felix begins, looking at his husband. Hyunjin shushes him softly, kissing away the tear that runs down his cheek. 

"Everything will go just fine okay? Don't worry too much." Hyunjin consoles him, gently carding his fingers through the blonde hair and soothing him. Felix sighs, closing his eyes and trying to get some more rest.


Another hour passes and it's when they approach the the last fifteen minutes that Felix begins to get close to screaming, the contractions hitting in a force he never imagined, giving him only about a minute or two to rest between each jab at his stomach. It was horrid and intense, the omega squeezing his eyes shut as he prayed for the pain to be over with. 

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