I could hold you tighter, cause through the morning, You're my light

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A silence passes over the two as the alpha takes in the omega before him. Felix is sure his anxieties are spiking up once again. Million questions revolving his head, worried of losing everything that had built up ever so carefully so far. 

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice when he felt a soft hand grazing his cheek, the touch so delicate like it was afraid it would break the omega. 

"You look beautiful." An even softer voice reassures him and Felix opens his eyes slightly, surprised. He was met by the sight of Hyunjin staring down fondly at him, his eyes filled with stars as they look at each other in silence. 

"You really think so?" 

The blonde isn't even sure where this is coming from. At the back of his head, he remembers how they despised each other and hated the other's blood and presence months ago, yet here they were, so close and loving  that it felt surreal. 

"I do, I think you look gorgeous in this. You should wear it more often..." The alpha tells him, his calm voice speaking nothing but the truth. The omega felt an immense sense of warmth wash over him and he almost fell into the taller male's embrace, hadn't it been for the latter already holding him so closely. 

"Lix, are you alright?" The brunette asks him, the sudden quietness of the blonde concerning him. He looks down to look into those ocean blue eyes he'd fallen for months ago, finding them hazed over by some kind of cloud. He panics slightly, but decides to pick up the smaller male into his arms gently. carrying him onto the bed ever so carefully. 

"Lixie, are you here with me?" The alpha asks almost in a whisper as he places the omega down on the soft bed. He hears a soft hum, but the blonde doesn't speak, instead watching the alpha with glossy eyes. 

Hyunjin watches him for a few seconds more, racking the rational part of his head without trying to panic. The silence that hangs over the two of them is overwhelming and he's faces with a dilemma of what to do. 

A soft whine draws him out of his thoughts and he looks at the omega to see him reaching out with his arms, almost like a child. He would've cooed at the cute sight, hadn't it been for his inner battle. None the less, he slips into the bed with the blonde, wrapping his arms around the freckled boy. He knew from the countless mornings that he'd walked into Jeongin and Felix cuddling that the latter was a touchy person by nature, someone who thrived on physical contact. 

Felix sighs in content, relaxing into the alpha's arms and cuddling up to the warmth. His mind felt foggy, covered by a big white cloud and distracting him from all worries and other thoughts that dragged him away. Right now, he didn't want anything but some peaceful cuddle time and his inner omega was content and happy that it was his mate that he shared this time with. 

The situation is overbearing, for the both of them. But in a good way. 

Hyunjin makes sure the two of them are comfortable and the pups are not getting hurt in any way. He lets his arms wrap around the omega, one hand over his head as he gently untangles the blonde hair. Felix is breathing slowly under his touch and he can sense the latter is tired, his eyes dropping ever so slightly. Not a word was spoken, except for some gentle sounds, purrs even from the smaller male when he gets too sleepy, snuggling into the older male. 

It was then that it hit the alpha, of what was going on. He stared in surprise at the smaller male, a smile blooming on his face as realization dawned upon him. 

The omega had just dropped into a headspace. 

With him

Hyunjin embraces the blonde gently, his heart ready to bust out of his chest at how fast it was beating. He wasn't sure whether it was because of their close proximity or of the thought that his omega trusted  him so much that he dropped in his presence. 

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