I'm Dancing In The Dark, With You Between My Arms

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Eventually Hyunjin was let out, demanding explanations but before he could get any, he realized that his kids and wife had been magically... whisked away.

"Han." Hyunjin asked, crossing his arms and glaring at his brother-in-law. The latter snorts, looking the brunette up and down with a disdainful stare. This big baby.

"Bro, chill. Lix just got his hair done and wants to keep it a surprise. The kids just wanted to stay with their mom—"I'm sleeping alone tonight?!" Hyunjin interrupts, his eyes growing wide and whining. The alpha makes a dramatic show of his distress, pulling his hair and sagging his shoulders.

"Yes, you are your sorry ass is alone tonight. You should join a drama club or something." Jisung says, rolling his eyes as the taller male proceeds to slide down the wall and kneel on the floor while making various sounds of distress.

"My kids... my wife..." Hyunjin whines again, and Jisung honestly is beginning to get a bit worried for his brother-in-law's mental health.

"Dude, It's one night. ONE NIGHT." Jisung says exasperatedly, only to receive a glare in return.

"Would you like it if I locked Minho hyung up for a whole night?" Hyunjin retorts and it's Jisung's turn to gasp loudly, clutching his chest.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I would."

Jisung glares at the man on the floor, rolling his eyes so far it touched the back of his head.

"Did you, like learn theatre for two years or something?" He asks with a snicker, but to his surprise, the alpha takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and nodding grimly.

"Three years and nine months, to be exact." Hyunjin answers while pinching his temple and getting up from the floor. Jisung only gapes at him, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and understanding at the very same time.

"That explains so much." The omega mutters, shaking his head and face-palming. The brunette looks at him for a few more seconds, sighing to himself after a while.

"I guess I'll have to sleep alone then..." The alpha says, his shoulders sagged and his eyes looking so close to crying Jisung felt a tiny pang of guilt. But then he remembered this guy learnt theater for three years and scoffed in reaction.

"Just go have dinner and get to sleep. You'll see him tomorrow morning, when the celebration begins—"I have to wait until then?!" Hyunjin screams in a high-pitched voice, and Jisung swears his soul left his body.

This was going to take longer than he thought.


In the end, Jisung did manage to get Hyunjin to eat his food and go to bed without fake-sobbing every few seconds, with a little help of Minho's threat of tissues and tossing the Pack Alpha into a cooking pot.

"Sometimes, I wonder how Felix managed to fall in love with that idiot." Jisung mumbles as he lays down in the bed, Minho turning off the lamp beside their bed to go to sleep. It was a bit early for bed, but they needed it. They'd have to wake up early in the morning, just when the sun rose to get ready.

His husband chuckled, the bed dipping as he laid down beside Jisung, naturally wrapping his arm around the omega.

"Our love story was just as idiotically cheesy, Hannie." Minho says, the omega wrapping his arms around the alpha and laughing softly at the memory.

"I'm not the one who composed a hundred poems and sent them through doves." Jisung snickered, and Minho mumbled a 'shut up', placing a kiss on his husband's head.

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