My heart is running, I'm still looking at you

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(AN: I am warning ya'll again, this chapter is completely smut. If you're uncomfortable, please skip this chapter. However, do scroll down to the author's note at the end if you wish to have a summary + last chapter's outfits. Thank you!)

Hyunjin gets off the bed momentarily to open the bedside drawer, the bottom one, and pull out an oil-based lube. He doesn't let his omega wait long, catching the blonde's lips in yet another searing kiss while letting his fingers trace lines and shapes on the soft skin of the omega's stomach, going lower and lower before stopping at his hole. He opens the bottle in his other hand quickly, pouring the lubricant on his fingers and warming it up. 

"This might hurt a bit, love. It's been awhile." He says, putting away the lube and looking straight into the shining blue eyes under him. The blonde lets out a giggle, rolling his eyes playfully.

"I went through childbirth, I think I should be fine." Felix replies in a soft mutter, although his eyebrows furrow and eyes close shut when he feels a finger prod at his entrance, his slick and lube combined allowing it to slip inside without much hassle. He sighs out softly, getting used to the feeling.

"So beautiful, just for me." Hyunjin whispers right above his lips, his other hand tracing circles on his waist and caressing the skin to try and distract his attention. The omega preens at the affection, whining softly for the alpha's lips. The latter complies, kissing him softly as the second finger enters. He moves them around the omega's walls, inhaling sharply at the tightness and wet heat sucking his fingers deeper. 

"M-More..." Felix mumbles, his eyes still shut tight as he lets out a whimper when he feels Hyunjin's fingers move inside him, scissoring him open slowly and gently. He kisses the side of the alpha's neck, trailing his soft touches down to his scent gland and scenting him feverishly, wanting to be engulfed by the bitter chocolate scent. The brunette bares his neck, giving his husband more space to lick and suck on, his breathing turning shallow, his finger nails pressing down on the skin of the blonde's waist. 

He presses in the third finger, letting it slip in effortlessly and focuses on only pleasuring the omega. He lets the fingers touch the velvety walls, stretching him open. His fingers brush against the bundle of nerves, making the blonde let out a sharp cry, biting onto his neck and stilling his movements completely. 

"A-Alpha, please-" Felix begins, and the alpha complies, unable to resist his omega's pleadings. He lets his fingers touch and brush against the omega's prostate, the latter letting out a muffled moan and arching his back. His blonde hair is laid out messily on the bed, creating a sort of angelic halo around him. Every touch to those nerves makes the smaller male let out a gasp and a moan, rocking his hips helplessly to each thrust of the alpha's fingers.

"Please- Please-" The freckled male says like a prayer, his body frantic and squirming around as the pleasure surges through his body. The alpha looks at the blonde with hunger, his one hand leaving his waist to grab the omega's chin and force the smaller male to look at him. 

"Look at me, Felix." He demands, his voice dropping. The omega open his eyes, tears building at his shimmering blue ocean eyes, a single drop slipping down his flushed cheeks. He's rutting helplessly against the alpha's fingers, moans and pleas dripping out of his swollen red lips and his flushed cheeks stained with flowing tears of overwhelm. 

"Ah-Mmgh—" The blonde tries to speak but is reduced to mumbles of whimpers, gasps and broken moans when he feels a the heat in his stomach ready to burst, the alpha's fingers massaging and and then jabbing at his prostate sending sparks of pleasure up his body. His mind is barely comprehending anything anymore, a hazy fog covering up any thoughts.

"I-I'm so- so c-close—" He mumbles, his hips moving down to meet the alpha's thrusts, his fingers clawing at the brunette's back and creating deep red scratches across his skin. The alpha doesn't stop, kissing and licking at the omega's scent gland and making the blonde moan from all the sensations around his body. The heat coiling at his stomach is too much, and his body is feverish, clutching helpless at the alpha's skin and bedsheets to calm himself. His thighs are shaking, his hips moving uncontrollably to the alpha's thrusts. 

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