I see your true colors, and that's why I love you

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That was until a flash of light makes her stop at the middle, a sudden cry from the small girl as she drops to the ground while clutching at the soil, her knees bruising slightly with dirt at the impact. Tears well up in her eyes as she opens her mouth to wail, only to have a small frail howl leave her lips instead. Confused, the little girl looks around, only to find that she can't exactly stand at all, her limbs having turned into paws and a white fluffy tail wagging behind her. She drops to the ground in confusion, her ears and nose suddenly much more alert, her soft white ears twitching at the loud sounds.

"Mimi..." A voice says, and the little white wolf pups turns around, yelping in both fright and confusion. Her mother smiles at him before turning into the animal like her, a white wolf much larger than her with the same ocean blue eyes. She shrinks back at the unfamiliar figure, before a soft gentle howl calls out to her.

The little pup observes the white wolf, the deep blue eyes and comforting honey scent beckoning her forward, and before she knows it, the white wolf nuzzles against the top of her head and the white pup yelps softly back, licking her mother's chin happily, knowing she's safe. 

Felix nudges the little pup forward, and Hyunmi gets up again on her white paws to walk forward to her father. He's waiting with her stuffed toy- wait a minute, where'd that go?!

Hyunmi stops suddenly, sitting down on the ground with a high whine as she realizes her beloved toy is gone and Hyunjin laughs at his daughter, gently ruffling the white fur on the top of her head with a playful grin. 

"I can't have you tear mister bear apart with those teeth, can I?" Hyunjin tries to reason, and the little girl, although not understanding much, only sniffs at his hand and huffs, leaving to roll around in the grass instead, nipping her growing canines at the flowers near the grass. 

Felix looks at Hyunjin, who now takes Dohyun in his arms, who's a little surprised by the whole issue. His wide blue eyes stare at his sister in alarm, hurrying into his fathers arms with a little fear. 

Hyunjin ruffles his hair with a chuckle, noticing his distress. He hugs the little prince in his arms for a little more, before helping him get up again. Dohyun doesn't seem to want to leave him though, too afraid to go to the white wolf waiting for him on the other side. He doesn't really get a choice before he's pushes forward, although Hyunjin waits behind him for assurance. The lapis on his neck glows in the sunlight, another blinding flash of light before the little boy finds himself on the floor as well, staring up at the sky. He looks at the pretty white clouds floating around in surprise, the sudden change of scenery making him confused. 

"Oh clumsy little Dohyunnie, you fell over." His father says, nudging him to the side and rolling him over. Dohyun lays on the ground, his limbs spread helplessly to one side as he stares at the emerald green eyes looking at him, a large black wolf looking at him. He yelps in fear, getting up on his...paws?

He suddenly notices a whole other thing, how he's so close to the ground that he can sniff the greenery so well, how he can feel the dew on the blades of grass under his paws and how his ears seemed to have opened up to a whole new world of sounds and noises. 

He remembers his original idea, running backwards as the black wolf stares at him incredulously. He runs backwards, looking in front of him as his gray paws moved backward. 

Suddenly, he hits a sudden wall, making him tumble over himself. He yelps again, looking behind him to see the white wolf from before instead. The smell of honey wafts around the air and his limbs immediately lax on the grass, unable to move. 

"Poor little thing, don't be frightened dear, it's just mommy." The white wolf says softly, nudging him up to his feet with a kind noise, the wolf's blue eyes looking at him sweetly. Dohyun feels at ease, nuzzling into the white fur before him in comfort. His gray tail wags behind him in content, the lapis shimmering on his fur. 

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