My broken soul shall heal, and feelings be concealed

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"Oh my gosh! Sweetheart, try this on!" An excited voice called out to the freckled boy who was busy looking through the range of clothes that were hung on the side of the little shop they'd entered. 

Felix turned to look at the cloth his mother had chosen, gasping before shaking his head quickly. 

"M-Mom!" He said in embarrassment, as the owner of the shop giggled to herself, watching the son and mother argue. 

"Oh come on, Lix— You wore a dress for the wedding!" Jisung joined in, poking Felix's red cheeks to tease him. 

"But that was just for a special occasion, and because you insisted!" Felix tried to retort, spluttering to himself when his mother pushed him inside the changing room. 

"Nonsense! Go on and try this on, as your mother I command you!" The Luna said, closing the door on Felix's face, the cotton baby pink lace dress, decorated with flowers at the neckline. It was made with a looser and softer material, made especially for pregnancies. 

He sighed, rubbing the soft material in his hands. It isn't that he disliked wearing such clothes, hell, his brother encouraged him and told him countless times of how pretty he'd look. It was more that he was afraid, as much as it was custom for the Luna to wear dresses and gowns, male or female, there was a slight bit of fear in him that stopped him from wearing such clothes. 

He put on the dress, looking at the mirror to his left and smiling slightly. Even after about 4 months of him being gone, and being so secretive about his liking to dresses, his mom and brother still knew what he liked best. 

With a shuddering breath, the blonde Luna twisted the handle of the door open, stepping out of the changing room to make his mother and brother turn their heads excitedly at him, a bunch of other clothes in their hands. 

The old Luna squealed, dropping the clothes in her hands on a chair nearby and running towards the nervous blonde male. 

"Sweetheart, you look gorgeous! And oh my gosh-" The old woman rambled, and Jisung happily joined her, his eyes sparkling with joy. 

"Look! Your baby bump is starting to show!" She pointed out, and Felix's eyes widened, feeling butterflies in his stomach when he spotted it on the mirror. 

"Already...?" He mumbled to himself, his hand gently rubbing soft circles on his stomach. 

"How many weeks are you in right now?" Jisung asked, and Felix paused for a second before answering. 

"15 weeks approximately." 

"Well then sweetheart, you're doing fine. I remember when I had you and Jisung, and my stomach bloated up quicker than my friends. But the doctor said that it was because I was carrying twins." The old Luna said reassuringly, giving the clothes to some servants to purchase them from the shop owner. 

"Then does triplets mean...?" Felix began, and his mother responded quickly, understanding his dilemma. 

"Yes, it means you'll have a bigger stomach, and it'll show up sooner too. But it's nothing to worry about, dear. Everything's going just fine." The old woman said, giving Felix a small smile of assurance. 

Felix smiled back, letting out a sigh. Being his first pregnancy and all, he was always stressed or worried about even the most simplest details. But knowing that his mother and brothers were there to help, it reassured him. 

There was nothing that could possibly go wrong. 



At the same time, about fifty miles away from the Moonstone capital, was a Pack Alpha, sitting at the dining table, eating his breakfast with his silver fork and knife, cutting through the toast and eggs served before him. 

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