This house of cards, will fall and scar.

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"Felix?" Was the first thing the blonde Luna had heard after entering the boundaries of his castle, before a familiar strawberry blonde omega came running to the gardens where Felix was standing awkwardly, a painful smile on his face. 

"Lixie!" Jisung exclaimed in pure joy, after truly confirming it was his twin brother itself, launching himself at the younger in a hug. 

Felix giggled to himself, returning the hug with almost the exact same happiness. How he had missed the euphoria and light-headedness of joy. 

"Lixie, it's really you- Oh my gods, you have no idea how much I've missed you-" Jisung mumbled, hugging the Luna tighter before laughing and letting the blonde omega go, realizing the younger twin was struggling to breathe. 

"Woops, didn't realize I was hurting the pup..." Jisung mumbled, Felix laughing rather nervously at that.

"I didn't realize you knew already..." Felix trailed off, unable to keep the eye-contact as he tried to distract himself by staring at different types of bushes and trees. 

"How can we not?! It's the talk of all the territories really..." Jisung said, and Felix coughed, and the older twin didn't take long to realize something was wrong. Understanding it wasn't really appropriate to ask of it outside where unwanted ears could drop by, Jisung ushered his twin inside the castle, rambling on and on about the recent events. 

"Mom's going to be so happy to hear of your arrival! Lix, you have no idea how quiet it's been, and how...gloomy too..." Jisung stated, grabbing the tiny hand of the Luna and swinging it, just like they always did as kids. It was a habit they couldn't really rid. 

"Lix?" Jisung called out, stopping as he didn't hear a response from the younger. 

Felix had his shoulder down, looking at the passing stone tiled floor, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. 

"Felix, Are you alright?" Jisung asked, turning the younger to face him. 

Felix hesitated, before shaking his head and Jisung got the signal, understanding. He signaled some passing by servants to get the Luna to meet the twins in their room. 

"You have a lot to explain." Jisung continued, leading Felix into his room. 


"SUNG! WHAT'S THE MATTER?! I GOT AN URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE SERVANTS FROM YOU-" A worried voice shouted, as the same voice along with an orange-haired male came running in the room of the twins. 

"Oh gods, you're alright- Pixie?" The old Luna gasped, closing the door and the walking inside the room and seating herself hesitantly at the corner of the bed. 

"Hannie? When did Felix arrive, and what's wrong? We got a red alert from the servants..." Minho enquired, Jisung sighing before turning towards his mother, Felix huddled next to him, his eyes lost in an unknown abyss. 

"He just arrived, with a single servant, two guards and carriage only. Something's wrong, and he wanted me to call you." Jisung explained rather quickly, looking down to the rather timid boy in his arms. 

"Lixie dear? What's the matter?" The old Luna asked quietly, and Felix looked up, his eyes clouded, a thin blanket barely holding back the tears that threatened to fall. 

"Everything, Mom, Everything..." Felix finally broke, letting out a sob as he launched himself at his mother, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. The woman gasped, her hand flying to her son's hair, gently combing it down and mumbling soft comforting words in his ear. 

"It's okay, Sweetheart. Calm down..." The woman whispered softly, as Felix's sobs began to quiet down, hiccupping slightly and sniffling softly. Jisung got up from the bed, getting him a glass of water and the younger boy gulped it down. Jisung glanced at his mate worriedly, the other looking at him with the same worry. 

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