Lately, I've been thinking, I want you to be happier

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The door opens softly, two women peeking inside the room. Hyunjin gestures them in, and the nurses and Sangyeon leave the room for privacy, although Seungmin stays back while writing down the names and general reports of the triplets. 

"Oh my gosh... They're so adorable!" Hyunjin's mother whisper-screams, as Felix's mother giggles like a little girl, looking at her grandchildren.

"What're their names?" His mother asks, and Felix smiles while glancing at his husband.

"My daughter, Hyunmi. My first son, Dohyun, and youngest son, Hyunjun." Felix says, and Felix's mother squeals at the names, coming closer to him to take a look at the daughter on his chest. Hyunjin's mother just smiles proudly at the names, understanding the intention behind them.

"She looks just like her father. What a darling little thing..." Felix's mother says, and Hyunjin's mother agrees, taking the second son from Hyunjin's hands, much to his disappointment.

"They're all so adorable, like their mother. I hope they don't inherit their father's habits though..." His mother says, cooing softly at the baby.

"Hey!" Hyunjin mumbles, feeling a bit attacked. Felix laughs, patting his back. He glances at his daughter who's done feeding now, and Hyunjin helps him with their first son, who suckles happily.

"How are you feeling?" Hyunjin's mother asks, looking at Felix. The blonde smiles faintly, letting out another yawn.

"Tired mostly." He answers, and Hyunjin's mother nods, understandingly. Felix's mother takes a seat next to the blonde, while Hyunjin's takes a seat next to her son.

"Did you decide on their English names?" Felix's mother asks, and the Luna nods.

"Hyunmi is Helena, Dohyun is Henrik and Hyunjun is Henry." The freckled omega says, and his mother nods. The door opens yet again to reveal his brother and brother-in-law waiting outside the room.

"I know you're tired Lixie, so I won't bother you right now... I just wanted to see the triplets?" His twin asks a bit anxiously, more of a question than a statement and Felix laughs, gesturing him over as he switches to feeding the last triplet.

"Hyunmi, Dohyun and Hyunjun, meet your uncle!" Felix says making his brother laugh as he takes a look at his niece and nephews.

"So. cute." He mumbles, almost squealing as his niece looks at him with wide green eyes, looking strikingly similar to her father. Minho is smiling next to him as well, already looking forward to spoiling these children.

"I'm proud of you sweetheart. And although I have a lot to say to you Hyunjin, thank you for being there with my son." Felix's mother says, on behalf of everyone. Felix smiles at his mother and Hyunjin's grins sheepishly, as the last triplet finishes feeding.

"Alright, now everyone out. His highness, both of them, need rest and it's six in the morning so shoo-" Seungmin says, ushering everyone out. Felix mumbles a small 'thank you' to him as well, before placing his last triplet to his side. He hugs all three of them (somehow) and lets the sleep consume him, exhaustion weighing his limbs.

Hyunjin kisses his forehead one last time, mumbling a small 'I love you' before resting his head next to his husband's bed, hugging the two triplets on his side and dozing off as well.


The bells had rung in joy, the birth of the triplets and the safety of the pack alpha being announced everywhere in the territory. Festivals and parties followed, with different letters from the high ministers of the other territories giving their congrats, followed by numerous gifts being sent to the tired omega and his children every single day. 

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