Please don't go away, Please just choose to stay, stay with me

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It was a rather hot, sunny day, and about a week had passed. The townspeople had already been told of the war preparations, and although panic had spread at the initial thought of it, many stepped forward to help. 

Things were clearing out, the only thing left was to train, and prepare himself for the battle. It was then, when the Pack Alpha was vigorously training in the battlefield with his sword and teacher, that Beomgyu came running with a letter in hand. 

"YOUR HIGHNESS— A LETTER FROM THE LUNA!" Beomgyu screamed from one end of the field, making Hyunjin lose his focus and fall backward at one of the swings from the sword of his teacher. Sighing and pinching his temple, he got up from the dirt ground, dusting his clothes while waiting for the messenger to reach him. The ravenette with longer black hair stopped infront of him, jutting out the letter with one hand and panting from the long run. 

"Try not to let the entire kingdom know next time, Beomgyu-ssi." Hyunjin advises, looking at his teacher for permission. Minhyuk only laughs, before waving his hand to allow the young Alpha open his letter. 

Hyunjin opens the yellow sealing, his eyes widening at the sudden scribbling at the top of the page, a sparkling magic around the paper as it raised above his hand and began to float in the air. He waited, as the magic that was obviously from crystallites, began to float around the yellowish white paper, making it glow. 

Beomgyu's eyes widened, straightening up as he stared at the paper. 

"Y-Your Highness, that's a... howler." The messenger says abruptly, and the brunette looked at him in confusion, before realization dawned upon his face. 

"I thought those things didn't exist—"HWANG HYUNJIN!" A voice came out of the letter, interrupting the said man from saying anything further. His eyes grew wide, looking around as his teacher and the messenger stared at the letter, he himself growing anxious. 

"HWANG HYUNJIN, I AM ABOLSUTELY MORTIFIED, HORRIFIED AND MOSTLY DISAPPOINTED THAT AFTER ALL THOSE PROMISES, YOU DARED NOT TELL ME THAT THIS WHOLE WAR WAS A TERRITORIAL ONE?! I HAD TO, excuse me for my language, FUCKING FIND OUT FROM THE GUARDS TO KNOW OF THIS! I'M YOUR GODDAMN WIFE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, AND I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM THE GUARDS FIRST?!" The Luna's voice boomed from the letter, making Hyunjin's expression crumble into both embarrassment and fear, shrinking into himself. From beside him, His teacher let out a snort, obviously laughing at his pain. Beomgyu could barely hide his snickering, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his arm in the only fear of getting punished otherwise. 

Shit. I hadn't told him. Hyunjin thinks, wincing as more curse words directly specifically to him tumbled out from the letter, before the Luna sighed as the air filled with silence for a while. 

"Seungmin said that stress isn't good for the pups, and yet look at what you've brought for me, huh? Don't you ever do this again before telling me and consulting me first, you got that Hwang? I expect a reply soon. The pups are doing well, I'm now around seventeen weeks in, in case you and stupid brain forgot. They've starting kicking and moving more now, probably cause they can't smell you anymore and miss you." A more calmer and softer voice speaks up, and although still on guard, Hyunjin perks up at the word of pups, listening carefully. His eyes seem to sparkle, a wide smile on his face as the rest of the letter register in his head. 

"You better tell me in detail about everything or I'll come there myself. I need a reply, okay? Be safe, Hyunnie." A more cheerful voice comes out of the make-shift letter messenger, before the sparkles around the paper die out and the letter floats onto the floor, completely still and lifeless. 

"God, his hormones... How many Felixes did I just witness in one letter?" Hyunjin mumbles, his teacher laughing as he slapped a hand onto his back. 

"At least you've finally got someone to ground that high head of yours. I have never hears someone call you by your family name and get away with it, so I've got to give it to the Luna. Anyway, go eat some lunch and write back to him before your head rolls. We'll practice after." Minhyuk says, pushing the pack alpha forward with a grin. The brunette rolls his eyes, a embarrassed flush on his face before running off to the castle. 

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