The day bleeds into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all

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Night approaches the sunset filled sky of the Midnight territory, small twinkling stars decorating the darkening sky like shimmering souls that flew to the above. Or at least, that's what Felix had believed. His father was there, somewhere in that big blue sky, shining brightly and watching his family with his light. 

His father had always been Felix's brightest star, and he had loved his two sons to the moon and back. He'd spoil them rotten sometimes, the blonde remembers his mother complain about their father being a bit too much to their demands. If Felix had asked for a crystal rose from the Mountains of Miroh, he'd bring it to him. If Jisung pleaded for the delicate silver linen from the Lakes of Levanter, their father wouldn't think twice before giving it to him too. 

He'd been there to teach them how to be kind to the innocent, to the people that they were responsible for. 

"It's not them who serve us, it's us they're counting on, so you've got to be kind to everyone, no matter how much of a royal you maybe." 

Felix chuckled to himself, his father's voice imminent in his head as he remembers the saying. No wonder, his father who was the pack alpha of a prestigious and most respected pack got married to a servant girl from the castle. It was a love story fit for the history books, his mother jokes at times. 

But then, the happy times don't last forever. Disaster had struck when the great wolf war had raided the four packs of peace, and scarring the many families to lost lives. Including his. 

He was only eight, and he vividly remembers the guards hurrying with his brother and mother to the only safe room of the castle. Up they went, making haste for the highest tower that was sealed to keep them safe. There was smoke from the fires outside, screams and shouts of the people, bloodcurdling cries of the dying soldiers and brave wolves that protected the castle. And in the midst of the fire and blood, his father fought with every burning part of his body to protect his only treasure and rarest possession left. 

Their escorting guard was stabbed in the gut, making his collapse to the ground. The Luna had screamed in fear, holding both of her young sons to herself as a wicked man dressed in red and gold appeared before them, holding the blood of the solder he'd just ruthlessly killed. 

More guards surrounded them, taking them to the courtroom where many other dead bloody bodies lay, tainting the happy spirited walls of the castle with ruby red blood. The twins were beyond lost and broken, sobbing and crying as they were pushed to the middle, to witness a deathly battle between their father and the pack alpha of the amber pack. The clashing of swords burned into his head, as the sharp metal sliced through the flesh in his father's shoulder, blood gushing out of the wound and staining the torn armor. 

Yet, his father hadn't batted an eye, letting out a shout of anger as he pierced his sword through his opponents side and killing him once and for all, pulling the metal out to finish the final act and behead the pack alpha.  

Unfortunately, his shoulder gave in on him as the weapon stumbled out of his hands and he dropped to the floor, the wounds on his body bleeding out as his breaths became shallower. His mother began to sob hysterically, running to the bleeding man and trying to somehow save him, but to no avail. 

"My time has come, my dear. Don't dirty your hands with the blood of a murderer..." He spoke in a whisper, trying to force a chuckle to lighten the situation, but it only ended up in a fit of coughs, as the light began to fade from his vision, dark spots dancing around as the pain began to simmer, his body resting its last. 

"Please Minjun, Don't leave me!" His mother screamed in a broken voice, barely able to get all the words out before his father's breaths began to slow gently. 

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