Heading Towards The Day 'Till I Get Winded, Best Moment Is Yet To Come

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"How about this one, your majesty?" Jieun asks, holding a small dress as the little princess played with the fabric, her eyes wide in awe at the sparkles on the soft chiffon clothing. Felix takes the dress, checking how it looks with Hyunmi before nodding, placing it with the other two outfits they'd kept away. 

"They all look beautiful..." Felix mumbles, but there's an unsatisfied look on his face as he checks each one with the princess. 

"But it's not Hyunmi?" The seamstress completes, nodding to herself in agreement as she stares at the princess and the clothes that they'd picked out. 

"Actually, I think I have the perfect one." Jieun mumbles, before escaping into the back of the shop and rummaging around the closets. She looks through the clothes hung there, before grabbing one in particular and rushing out to the front where the Luna and his daughter were waiting.

"Perhaps this one?" She says, holding out the dress. Felix's eyes widen, taking the small and dainty dress carefully and looking at it from the back and front. It's incredibly perfect, the satin navy blue fabric so soft to touch, with a gorgeous gold lace neckline and a hi-low skirt to enhnce the elegance of the gown. 

"It looks..." He mutters, before checking how it looks with the princess, who giggles happily, immediately taking a liking to it. 

"Pretty, Pretty!" Hyunmi says, looking at the mirror with the dress, and looks at her mother with sparkling puppy eyes. Felix laughs, pinching her cheeks gently and nodding at the seamstress. 

"This one's perfect." The Luna says, and picks up the princess from in front of the mirror. The seamstress smiles, taking the outfit and carefully folding it and wrapping it into a bag. She calls for her assistant, telling her it's to be delivered to the palace before looking at the Luna. 

"What about your majesty's dress?" She asks, with a glint in her eye. Felix chokes on his breath, looking at the woman with surprise as his daughter stares at the Luna in confusion, patting his head to try and make him feel better. 

"I- Well, Jiun-ssi, I didn't intend to-"Oh nonsense, we'll get you a dress. A gown perhaps, like your wedding outfit?" She asks, already walking to the section where her finest gowns were hung, and Felix gasps at the very beauty of each dress that's hung there. 

"Oh, let's get the entire family to match. Navy blue for your highness!" Jieun says with  excitement, searching the crowd of gowns for a navy blue gown fit for the queen. Literally. She finally fishes out a dress from the very back, and squeals to herself as she hurries to the Luna with it. 

"I remember this one! Your brother had asked me to make a few gowns for you after you came shopping for your wedding, and this one was specially made for a special occasion." The seamstress says excitedly, handing over the beautiful navy blue tulle gown. The gown sparkled prettily, and elegant designs of silver and blue were embroidered at the waist. 

"My brother- Jisung told you to make this?!" Felix asks incredulously, but he was still amazed by the dress. Honestly, he wouldn't look too bad in it. 

"Oh yeah, I have a bunch more where that came from. He gave me such a wide option of designs and ideas to choose from for you." The seamstress says unbothered, checking the dress on the blonde male in front of the large mirror. She nods to herself, writing down a few things into the notebook beside her.   

"When did all this even happen?" Felix asks, looking into the mirror and carefully touching the dress and examining the soft fabric. His daughter is more interested in the sparkling texture of the top, touching the texture with wide curious eyes. 

"Oh, his majesty invited me for tea one afternoon to discuss." Jieun reveals, and Felix's eyes widen with shock. What had  been happening here? 

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