I wish that I was good enough, If only I could wake you up

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The servants and surviving guards ran in, drenched in blood and with equally worrying scars and wounds on their bodies, but they didn't care, focused on carrying the nearly-dead pack alpha to the emergency clinical facility. Sangyeon wore a strained frown on his face, rushing with Seungmin into the room when they had laid the alpha on the bed. They got to work immediately as a few other nurses took the injured soldiers and collapsed fighters to other rooms for treatment. 

Felix was hyperventilating outside the room where his husband lay, burying his face in his hands and breathing erratically in panic. A worried shout barely got his attention before he felt warm arms wrapping around him, coaxing him soothing words softly. He raised his teary eyes to meet his twin's. 

"S-Sung...!" Felix gasped, barely able to breathe out the words, his brother trying to calm him down slowly. His mother had arrived a few seconds ago as well, acquiring the details from the servants around. She sits next to him, rubbing his back and hugging him gently after. 

Both his brother and mother had gone out of the castle after assuring his safety in a room, the two royals heading out to protect the people in the towns and villages. It seemed they had suffered under the enemy as well, bruises and cuts marring their limbs and faces. His mother's face looked weak, but she looked concerned at him, trying to calm him down. 

"Felix, calm down, sweetheart. Breathe, there you go..." His mother whispers patiently, as Felix sobs onto her shoulder, his chest constricting painfully and his eyes stinging from how much he'd been crying. 

"H-Hyunjin, he-he's going to be o-okay, h-he has to be, ca-can't l-lose him, n-not now—" Felix gasps out again, although his breathing is staring to slow down normally now, hiccupping and coughing on his sharp intakes of breath. 

"Yes, Lix, he'll be okay, he'll be fine..." Jisung assures him, holding his hand reassuringly. The blonde omega calms down eventually, sniffling as he looks at the door of the emergency room in worry. 

"If only I just... I should've kept fighting..." Felix begins, blaming himself as he looks down, tearing up again at the thought of losing another important part of his life, just because it was his fault. 

"No, No, No Lixie, don't blame yourself, alright? You did nothing wrong." His mother reassures him again, taking his other hand in her own. She gently wipes off the tears on the omega's face, kissing his cheek like she did when he was a kid. 

"Hyunjin will make it, for you and the pups. He won't give up on you, have hope." Jisung adds, squeezing his hand for support. Felix nods to himself at this, sniffling again as he tries to keep himself strong. 

Hyunjin would make it, he would. He thinks, reassuring himself.


Seungmin comes out of the room, a sullen look on his face as he approaches the three. He looks at the old queen, trying to ask silently if the blonde is alright, to which the queen nods warily. 

"His majesty is alright, at the moment. He's stable, alive and breathing, and although he's lost a lot of blood, we've been able to supply as much. However..." Seungmin says, looking at the three anxiously while shifting around in his spot, clearing his throat for the next few words.

"However?" Felix asks shakily, looking at the doctor with worried eyes. 

"He's not showing signs of consciousness. At most, the head physician has concluded he is in a comma." Seungmin finishes with a sigh, as Jisung keeps his brother calm. His mother decides to continue for the blonde, swallowing thickly. 

"How long does he think..."

"We're not quite sure right now but... for a few months at least. He's alive, but his body is wounded and bruised, burnt beyond our fixation, What we could do, we are, but it all depends on how his body recovers in the end. I'm sorry, your highnesses." Seungmin apologizes, bowing. The queen stops him, whispering an 'it's alright' to the young boy before sending him away. 

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