Follow The Song And Dance In The Moonlight, Right Now, Play My Rhythm

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"How much longerrrrr...." Hyunjin whines, pouting as the seamstress fixes the last bit of his suit. Sunmi snorts, rolling her eyes as she pins a brooch to the center of the bow on his neck. Hyunjin sighs, looking at himself in the mirror.

"There. You're done." Sunmi says, and Hyuna barges in the room with her stuff seconds later. She's already dressed up and ready for the ball, all she has to do is fix the king's hair. 

"The kids and the Luna are done, they've gone to the ballroom." Hyuna says, and Sunmi nods at her, taking her stuff and moving away from the Pack Alpha so Hyuna could begin her work on his hair. He had also done a little work to altering the color of his hair, making the previous dark brown to a auburn light reddish brown. 

"I think something simple would look best with your suit, considering how braids would add to much detail." Hyuna says, brushing through his hair and gesturing him to sit down on a chair in front of a mirror. He agrees silently, looking at the mirror. 

"Ahh, the Luna looks like a fairy in that dress." Sunmi mumbles with a dreamy look on her face, as she folds some fabric. Hyuna nods while she straightens the alpha's hair, smiling as she thinks of the Luna. 

"So pretty, yet elegant. He reminds me of his mother, the queen was also stunningly beautiful. Remember her wedding dress?" Hyuna says, as she combs the hair, letting the alpha's bangs fall on his forehead and frame his face. 

Sunmi chuckles at the memory, taking the silk fabric she had folded and stores it away into one of her drawers. "Jieun and I were learning to stitch and seam then. Oh, but come to think of it, you're right. His majesty looks like a splitting image of his mother. Elegant looks, yet sharp features. So dainty yet fierce at the same time." Sunmi comments, turning around with a hand on her hip as she watches Hyunmi finish up the alpha's hair with one last brush of her comb. 

"There we go your highness." Hyuna says, smiling through the mirror and Hyunjin thanks her, getting up and looking at his hair with a satisfied smile. 

"Are we done now? Can I go see—"One last thing, your majesty." Sunmi says, walking towards him with a shining silver crown. She places the object on his head, finishing the last of his outfit. 

"There, now you can go see your majesty. Well, you'll have to wait a bit, of course. Now hurry along, the celebration is to start in fifteen minutes." Sunmi rushes, pushing the alpha out of the room with Hyuna following right behind. The seamstress makes a few last touch ups to her makeup and fixes her long satin emerald green gown, before locking up her tailoring room and running the ballroom. Sunmi and Hyuna bid the alpha goodbye, as they join Jieun in the entrance of the ballroom, the seamstress waiting in her soft baby pink gown decorated with roses. 

Hyunjin makes haste to the side staircase entrance where he's supposed to enter. Felix and the kids are probably entering from the other side, so they can meet walk down from either staircase leading down to the center, where they walked further down a flight of stairs together. 

His crown almost slips off his head from how fast he's running, and he quickly pushes it onto place before entering the the side of the stairs, meeting Minho conversing with his mother. His father is standing on the side, not quite saying anything, but listening to their conversation. 

"Ah you're here! What took you so long?!" His mother question, walking towards him and fixing his hair a bit, straightening the crown. She makes sure the emerald necklace she had given her son was there, looking at the alpha with a proud alpha. His father gives a very small smile at him, before joining hands with his wife. 

"Your highnesses, we're set to start in ten minutes!" A guard tells them and Haeun nods, gesturing her son to wait by the stairs. They hear the chattering of people right outside the curtain they're standing behind, all the guests having arrived and waiting for the royal ceremony to start. 

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