Shattering my broken heart, Crystal tears that fall apart.

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"Sit back down." A cold voice called to Felix, the omega turning around to glare at his so-called husband, sitting down and crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry, I d-didn't know it was i-illegal to miss my f-family, c-cause I have n-no idea when I'll s-see them a-again!" Felix argued, sniffling as the steady rocking of the carriage seeming to only aggravate his anger.

"Stop being so dramatic. It's not like they're that important." Hyunjin rolled his eyes, looking away from the omega who was seething with rage.

"Y-YOU-" The omega yelled in anger, having enough. Something in him snapped, like a loose thread that had pulled apart. Launching forward at the older male, he pulled the alpha by his collar, his hands on the verge of strangling the male.

Felix stopped all of a sudden, sitting back down as Jisung's words rung in his ear. He straightened his dress, crossing his arms defensively as he looked to the side.

"You do not insult me or my family. We may be married, but let me make this clear to you, I will not hesitate to hurt you if you say anything against my family or me." Felix threatened, his eyes glowing as he glared at his husband, Hyunjin shuddering at the way the boy's voice changed drastically. His voice low and dangerous. 

Hyunjin gulped, turning his face away from the omega.

Felix sighed to himself, the bumpy motion of the carriage making the boy rock in his seat. He watched as the moon let its light shine through the only window at the back. There was a cold wind blowing and the omega pulled his fur coat closer to his body, shivering. 

He let his body lax against the windowless wall of the carriage, closing his eyes and trying to get as much rest as possible. 

An hour later, the carriage came to a halt, the wheels screeching against the road. Felix woke up in a start, wincing when he hit his head against the carriage wall.

There was a knocking by the door of the carriage, and Hyunjin opened the door, getting out of the carriage and leaving Felix behind to help himself out of the carriage.

They entered the castle, all of it being much more different that what Felix last remembered it. 

It had been divided into two parts, a part for the previous retired Pack Alpha and Luna. Most of the castle was for Hyunjin and Felix, and the guards led them to their quarters, a servant taking their wedding crowns.

"Your bedroom, your highnesses." The servant said, bowing as the couple entered the huge bedroom designed specifically for them, decorated well for the physical bonding that was to happen in the night.

A guard cleared up any other maids and servants that were lingering around, making sure that entire sleeping quarter was empty for the privacy of the newly wedded couple.

Felix placed his things at the corner of the room, looking at Hyunjin. They both knew what they had to do, yet neither of them wanted to speak a word about it. 

Seeing as how the older wasn't going to say anything, Felix took  his clothes, exiting the bedroom to the bath-house to clean up. He shot one last glare at his husband, leaving with a huff.

Hyunjin scoffed, taking his clothes and going to the extra showers, in the completely opposite direction. 

This was not going to be easy, and the two of them were determined to prove it.


Felix had finished first, dressed in a loose shirt and boxers, setting his stuff in his side of the cupboard. He was arranging his set of clothes when he heard the door slam behind him, an annoyed alpha making his way inside the room.

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