In the darkest of nights, an anxious fire ignites.

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The next 10 days were extremely busy days, the castle preparing feverishly for the wedding ceremony, setting venue, inviting the territory leaders and it wasn't an ordinary ceremony either. It was a royal wedding, and what was more was that it also involved a spiritual bonding, something that was not common in normal weddings.

The spiritual bonding consisted of different types of rituals to unite the two destined mates, and although a physical bonding was done in their own private time, the spiritual bonding was done at the wedding. 

Felix didn't exactly look forward to the ceremony, to be precise, he dreaded it. But, spending time with his twin and helping with his clothes and other stuff was seemingly fun in its own way. 

He also decided to spend the time he had left at the kingdom with his closest friends, including Changbin, Chan and Wooyoung. Unfortunately, he was to go to the kingdom with alone with his groom, according to customs, and the wedding would be held at the meeting point of the two territories. After the ceremony, the groom and bride would travel through the town to greet the townspeople and then to the renovated castle, accommodated for the new couple.

Days passed by like the wind, everyone wrapped up in the preparations for the grandest wedding to happen. It was a delicate and difficult ceremony so everything had to be prepared with the utmost attention.

The bride to be didn't even notice when the night before the wedding rolled on. It was a quiet night, Jisung by his side gently patting his head and trying to comfort him.

"Sung... Are you awake..." Felix asked quietly, turning to his twin brother.

The older omega moved around a bit, sluggishly getting up from his weird and uncomfortable position.

"I am now." He said sleepily, giving a small smile and rubbing his eyes.

"Would you mind if we went to the falls?" Felix said quietly, gazing out into the dark night outside his window.

Jisung sat up suddenly, not believing his ears.

"Now? At the dead of the night?" Jisung asked in surprise, fully awake now.

"I mean, only if you want to. You don't have to come with me." Felix said, getting u from his bed and walking to the door.

"Wait up! I'm coming!" Jisung whisper-shouted, and Felix smiled at his twin, who snuck up behind him, getting out of their shared room quietly.

They passed the guards sneakily, heading out of the castle and into the dark night of the plains, running into the green meadows, the shadow of the forest making it look like a dark abyss. 

They passed the meadow, taking a shortcut into the woods and directly jumping into the clearing of the falls. It was dead, silence covered the little biosphere. The rocks of the waterfall glistened in the moonlight, small vines and flowers covering the cracks of the grey shining stone.

Felix sighed suddenly, when they had reached the huge water structure, running into the edge of the lake where the water lay still. 

The white waning gibbous moon was casting its light over the water, stars littering the dark blue night sky.

"Look, the constellation are already lining up." Jisung pointed out, and Felix could make out a few star patterns, not fully aligned, but definetly visible. 

"Yeah... Just imagine, when those stars form the biggest connection tomorrow evening, it's over." Felix says, looking at his twin.

Jisung smiles in pity, giving his brother a little nudge on the shoulder. 

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