A beginning once again, something different from then.

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Little did he know...


Felix had expected to wake up in an empty bed, the mattress cold and lonely. Like the usual. 

The alpha made it a point to not have to see him twenty four/seven, and he had obviously made it clear he didn't want Felix ruining the morning for him, and Felix didn't want Hyunjin's narcissistic ass bothering his perfectly normal morning either.

But today was different.

Hyunjin was right next to him, sleeping. Felix wasn't getting up earlier than usual, the sun was rising in the horizon. Hyunjin would be out of bed hours before sunrise. 

Why the hell was he here?

The omega rubbed his eyes in disbelief, blinking as he tried to process the fact that his legally married husband was in fact, right next to him in bed, and had NOT abandoned him. 

Hyunjin stirred in bed, the light shining directly on his face from the window. The alpha groaned at the brightness awakening his body, opening his eyes groggily and looking around, making eye-contact with the frozen omega.

Neither of them spoke a word, the tension in the room rising significantly with each passing minute.

Hyunjin coughed rather aggressively, and Felix diverted his attention elsewhere, the both of them realizing they had been staring too long. The omega gulped, getting out of bed with the white blanket wrapped around him.

Big mistake.

The moment he took his first step from the bed to the floor, his entire leg just collapsed, a pain shooting up from his foot till his back and making the omega fall down on the cold tiled floor with a yell.

Hyunjin didn't have a clue on how to react, leaning and peering over the edge of the bed to find Felix rubbing his back in pain.

"Are you...okay?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly, as if a ticking bomb was in the room, ready to explode if he had raised his voice any higher.

Felix looked shocked, looking at Hyunjin with palpable eyes of horror. Did this alpha just ask him if he was okay? 

Snapping out of his dreamy state, he fumbled for the words, mumbling something as he tried ti stand on his two feet again, failing miserably.

"I'm f-fine...j-just cramps..." Felix said, clutching his stomach suddenly.

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked once again, getting out of bed as he stared at the omega, clueless of what to do.

"Y-Yeah..." Felix said, refusing the hand that Hyunjin offered, pushing himself to get up himself.

Yes, it were cramps, but is also was the lingering pain from what they did a few days back. But why the sudden cramps?

Hyunjin scoffed, deciding to do what was best for the both of them. He bent down, picking Felix up and slipping a hand around his legs and back, not putting much pressure where it hurt. 

He walked out of the room, covering them with a blanket, since it was cold and neither of them had much clothes on.

He called for aservant, Jeongin immediately being the first response to show up at their door. Hyunjin explained the situation quickly, Felix started to shiver from the cold.

"Give him a hot water bath with an oil massage. That should soothe the strained muscles." Hyunjin said, and the servant nodded, leading the two into the bath-house, Hyunjin placing Felix in the bath carefully.

"Take care of him." Hyunjin muttered, before leaving the room. He didn't wait for a reply, simply walking out of the door and into the hallway, acting like absolutely nothing happened.

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