Healing my open scars, Wishing on a shooting star

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Felix had begun packing as soon as dinner was over, taking the few essentials he would need for the three day trip. He would set out tomorrow before the sun even rose, so that he would reach there somewhere in the morning.

Jisung was helping him out, comforting him every few seconds because the boy would burst into tears every five minutes. It wasn't easy for Felix, just promising his life away, He didn't hadn't even met his new husband, and it could be some forty year old wolf for all he knew. And besides, he couldn't decline to the marriage either, since it had been decided to unite them on the fifth full moon of the year, which was next week. 

The fifth full moon was a very important date, since it was the only time the constellations would align in the light of the moon, and the two souls that would be united were for life. No exits, No quits.

He could run away, but that's cowardly and he wouldn't get far. He had guards around him all day long, or his brother. And even if he did manage to escape them both, he wouldn't get out of the kingdom without the other clans chasing him away. 

Besides, His family would be devastated and he would anger the gods, bringing nothing but destruction upon their pack, so he wasn't going to disobey.

"I'll miss you." Felix said quietly, snuggling next to his fraternal twin brother. The other happily cuddled the younger twin in glee, using the time they had together to its maximum.

"Yeah, I'll miss your brownies..." Jisung responded, and the younger wolf huffed in annoyance.

"You won't miss me?" He asked angrily, pouting.

"I'm kidding! I'll miss you and your brownies." Jisung justified, laughing as he pushed Felix's pout back with his finger.

Felix sighed, looking outside the window and watching the stars twinkle in the sky. There was a spark of light, and a streak of white in the sky, as a shooting star passed by.

Felix jumped to his feet, and Jisung followed shooting the star. The two quickly made a wish, closing their eyes.

"You know they never actually come true, right?" Jisung said, after the two got in bed again and Felix shrugged.

"It doesn't hurt to try..." Felix replied, yawning as sleep finally began to overcome his senses.

"What did you wish for anyway?" Jisung asked, and the younger boy smiled at him, his eyes drooping.

"T-That... my... h-husband... be....g-good...." He said sleepily, falling asleep. 

Jisung chuckled, placing a small kiss on the younger's forehead, who smiled and hugged his twin closer, and two cuddled to sleep.


Felix bid goodbye to his family, promising a safe return and set off with the few guards that were accompanying him. The journey took two to three hours, and it was when the sun was rising overhead, crossing the snowy mountains that they entered the midnight pack's territory. 

"Halt! Who goes there?" A big and sturdy red wolf asked, his one patched up and scars on his arms and legs. 

The troop stopped abruptly, as the two strongest wolfs of their pack went to talk with the red wolf. Felix watched from behind as a grey wolf from his pack, Chan, talked calmly with the other red wolf. A brown wolf, Changbin, stood behind Chan, reasoning as well.

The two began growling at each other, and the three wolves began to raise their voices at each other, the red guard wolf not letting them pass into their territory. 

"What's going on?" Felix asked from the carriage, to his personal servant who was standing outside his window.

"They guard's not letting us in, he apparently wants physical proof that it is you. He thinks tat we are imposters trying to carry something illegal into their pack territory. Ugh, these midnight wolves are so obnoxious." Wooyoung explains, scrunching his nose. 

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