Heaven's A Heartbreak Away, Never Let You Go, Never Let Me Down

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They had returned to their cave soon after the sun had reached it's peak in the sky, the pair promising the pups they'd visit the waterfall soon again. And so, they'd dragged their daughter and youngest son away from the magnificent beauty, Dohyun following behind them begrudgingly. 

Once they'd reached the cave, Hyunjin hunted out two rabbits from the forest, allowing his youngest to growl and bite at the two animals before assisting with killing them. It wasn't too difficult, considering how the pups teeth were already becoming nice and sharp after the teething with the twigs last evening. 

After they had finished the meal, knowing that two mere rabbits wouldn't satiate their pups for long, Felix had decided it would be best to get back to the castle. Besides, their mothers would be a bit worried of their whereabouts. 

And so, helping the pups turn back with the crystal, Felix made sure it was their necklaces were clipped onto them tightly. They weren't to be removed now, unless necessary. 

He carried the tired Dohyun and Hyunjun in his arms, while Hyunmi clung onto her father, knowing putting her and the second oldest would cause them to bicker, and it would end the same way with the youngest as well. 

They decided to make a pit stop by the town market, to pick up the few clothes that Jieun had stitched for the Luna, since the old maternity clothes wouldn't fit him anymore. The townspeople cooed and fussed around with the little royals, and Jieun wouldn't actually let go of the princess, already getting excited of all the gowns and skirts she could stitch for the beautiful girl. 

"What a pretty princess, she's a splitting image of your husband, your highness. And the little freckles on the princes are just too adorable... god, the people were right of how absolutely breath taking your children would be." Jieun says without thinking, shutting her mouth in embarrassment when the last sentence escapes her lips. Felix looks wide-eyed at the seamstress, the latter breaking into shy giggles. 

"Sorry, it's just— ever since your majesty's marriage with our highness, there was nothing in the town gossip than how beautiful your children would be. Hyunmi is just ethereal, really. She'll grow up to be such a darling, stealing hearts of the people. All your children, really." Jieun says genuinely with her bright smile, making Felix sigh good naturedly, chuckling to himself after. 

"Anyway, hopefully you'll like the new clothes, your majesty. I've added a little of my special designs in them as well." Jieun says, winking after mischievously with another giggle. Felix raises an eyebrow, confused before he sees a few of the designs of clothes on paper next to his new clothes, gasping at the realization. 

"Jieun— you didn't!" He says in surprise, a red blush creeping onto his cheeks, making his freckles glow on his flushed face. 

The seamstress simply laughs again, pushing the clothes towards the Luna and rushing off with a giggle, attending to her other customers. Felix face-palms, Hyunmi staring at him with a puzzled expression. 

"Mommy?" She says this time, without a stutter. Felix jumps suddenly, forgetting for a moment of her being able to talk. He sighs, smiling after after picking up the bag with his clothes and Hyunmi in his other hand, booping her nose and making the little princess erupt into giggles. 

Hyunjin is waiting outside, well, running outside as Hyunjun stumbles from shop to shop, playing with the shopkeepers and grabbing free stuff on the way, toys and fruits in his arms as he giggles happily with all the stuff he got. Dohyun is just tired, honestly why is he the one chasing his siblings all the time. 

Hyunjin picks up the second oldest when he begins to fall over, the latter just curling up into a ball in his father's arms as Hyunjin runs behind the youngest, before managing to scoop the little one into his arms. 

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