Wish that I could love you back, Wish that I could love like that

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"Right, ya'll done confessing your feelings?" A voice called out behind the couple, revealing themselves to be the freckled boy's twin. 

"Leave them alone, Jisung-ah." Their mom calls out, having a fond smile on her face as she walks over to the new couple. Hyunjin had a faint smile on his lips as he watched his husband cheeks light up in a pretty pink blush, feeling so very exposed. 

"You saw...?" Felix whispered, and Jisung laughed, nodding his head. 

"I had to follow this baboon, he wouldn't stop spying on you two." Jisung explained his part, as Minho raised his hands in defense. 

"I was just making sure he wasn't here to- well hurt you." Minho stated rather abruptly, the sudden happy atmosphere of the room becoming filled with tension. Felix's eyes widened, looking at Hyunjin. 

But instead, Hyunjin bowed towards Minho, stepping closer. It was rather absurd, the height difference between the two seeming rather awkward. It was very obvious that Minho had the upper hand however. 

"I'm sorry, to everyone. I promise, I will not hurt your brother in any way. I understand your concern, and I apologize for my behavior." Hyunjin said, startling Minho. The older of the two raised his eyebrow as Hyunjin bowed once again in apology. But it isn't the fact that the once conceited alpha bowed to him that surprised him, rather it was the genuineness of his apology.

Minho didn't say anything, instead he offered a nod towards the alpha, and Hyunjin smiled at him before standing beside his mate, a hand wrapping around Felix's waist protectively. 

"Why don't you two take some time to spend together? I've got a few matters to speak with... Minjee-ssi?" Haeun spoke after a while, and the twin's mother nodded, as the group split their separate ways. 

The pair stood in their places, confused on what to do, before Felix yelped as Hyunjin pulled his hand, walking out of the castle boundaries to god knows where. Hyunjin simply intertwined their hands as they walked in the direction of the town. 

"Where are we even going?" Felix asked after some time of walking, feeling embarrassed of all the stares and giggles he was getting by the other people who spotted their hands. 

"I don't know actually. I'm just following the path..." Hyunjin admitted after a while, and Felix sighed. 

"It's your kingdom! I've never even been here before!" The alpha said in defense, and the omega rolled his eyes playfully, giggling under his breath. 

Hyunjin stopped in his tracks, looking at the omega with wide eyes as the two stopped together, Felix wondering why the sudden halt. 

"Do that again." The alpha said suddenly, and the the younger looked at him in confusion, his sparkly eyes only making it worse for the older. 

"Do what...?" Felix asked slowly, and Hyunjin groaned in exasperation, failing to look at the blonde in the eye at how adorable the omega looked at the moment. 

Things finally clicked for the omega and Felix laughed as he finally realized, giggling again as the absurdity of it all finally got in his head. Hyunjin raised his head at the sound, letting out an inhuman noise as his hold on Felix's hand got tighter. 

"You're so fucking adorable." Hyunjin whispered, cupping Felix's cheeks as he placed a soft peck on the younger male's lips, startling the both of them. The freckled turned a deep shade of red almost rivaling a tomato, and Hyunjin found his heart beat out of his chest. 

He'd been so stupid all those months, ignoring this cute, adorable fluffball that was almost equivalent to the sun-

"Hyunjin?" Felix asked, snapping the older male out of his rambles. 

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