✧༺♥༻∞ Epilogue ∞༺♥༻✧

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|| Three Years Later ||

Everything seemed to go by in a blur, and it was difficult to catch up when your kids were growing too fast. It seemed to him like it was just yesterday when he gave heard these adorable little ones cry their first time, and now here they were, already heading to school. 

"Remember to be nice to your teacher, and to your friends. Hannie will be dropping off his twins too, so you'll both walk to Chan's class together. Dohyun-ah, do you have your water and lunch? Helena, your hair is a mess, Junnie, stop bullying your brother." Felix says in one breath, glancing at the youngest. Hyunjun huffs, but stops annoying the older triplet. Felix kneels down to fix Hyunmi's hair, clipping her silvery shoulder length hair neatly. 

"Minju and Jihwan will be there?" Dohyun asks, patting his brother's arm and looping them together. One second they'd be bickering, the next they were holding hands and being happy again. 

"Yes, but remember, they're your dongsaengs, and Jisung only wants to bring them to play for a bit before they have to go back home, okay?" Felix tells them, and the three nod. 

"Don't give Channie a hard time, and don't go exploring by yourself." Again, the three nod understandingly, as Hyunmi joins her brothers and Dohyun holds her hand. 

"Can Minju and Jihwan stay the night with us?" Hyunmi asks, and Felix considers it for a second while he packs up their bags. 

"I suppose so, if your uncles agree." Felix answers her, and the triplets share a look of excitement, the three taking their bags from their mother. They look at their mother once more, the latter staring at them with a look of worry. 

"Mom, we'll be fine." Hyunmi says, understanding why he was so anxious. Felix sighs, crouching down and clasping his hands together. The doors of the bedroom open to reveal their father, who smiles at them before patting their heads. 

"All ready to go, little ones?" He asks, and the three nod with happy grins, showing their bags happily. Hyunjin gives them a reassuring nod, taking Hyunmi's hand in his. He was to drop them off with Jisung for their first day. Felix wanted to come along, but Minjee had advised otherwise. If everyone shows up for their first day, it might be overwhelming for the three. 

"Stay together you three, okay? And take care of yourselves." Felix says one last time, anxiously.  Hyunjin sighs, pulling up his wife and looping his free arm around his waist. 

"They'll be fine, love. Besides, it's just the first day. A little trek around the woods and a short lesson by the river. I doubt they can get into much trouble with that." Hyunjin pacifies, and the omega lets out a distressed noise.

"That's the problem, Hyun! The lesser the chances, the more they'll get themselves into trouble!" Felix says exasperatedly, making his children giggle to themselves. 

"We promise we won't get into trouble, Mom." Dohyun decides to take charge. He was always the most sensible of them all. Even for a four year old. 

"Take care of your siblings, Dohyun-ah." Hyunjin says with playful wink, and his son snickers as his siblings make noises of protest. 

"I'm older than him!" 

"I'm stronger than him!" 

"Helena, by four minutes. Henry, strong doesn't mean anything." Dohyun retorts back, and the three start squabbling again. Felix facepalms, glancing at his husband disapprovingly. 

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