And I See Forever In Your Eyes, I Feel Okay When I See You Smile, Smile

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The sun had begun to set over the horizon, and that's when the parents decided to wrap up the first lesson. They'd already eaten their dinner, Felix having brought food from the castle for them. 

The pups had begun to tire as well, Dohyun clinging on to Felix's fur and snoring softly as the wind blew around them. Hyunmi and Hyunjun was still playing around with the twigs, testing out their teeth on the wood. Felix howled, calling out to them and his husband, who came with the pups to him. 

"Do you want to go back to the castle or..." Felix begins, trailing off as he looks at his alpha, Hyunjin sitting down next to Dohyun and Felix as Hyunjun pulled his ear, Hyunmi rolling over on the ground. 

"Or?" Hyunjin asks, letting his ear be pulled around for a while, before pulling Hyunjun into his paws and trapping him there for awhile. 

"Well, I was thinking, what if we slept in the cave for tonight. I checked it earlier, it should be fine for all of us to sleep comfortably. Besides, we can start with the next lesson tomorrow morning easier too." Felix says, and Hyunjin considers it for a moment. 

"Won't it be cold?" Hyunjin asks, although he doesn't refute the idea. 

"If we huddle together, it'll be fine. It's not too cold, otherwise." Felix answers and the alpha nods. The white wolf gets up and picks up Dohyun by the scruff, while Hyunjin ushers the other two forward. Hyunjun whines, jealous that his brother gets the free ride while he has to walk. 

Hyunjin sighs, before bending down a bit so that Hyunjun can jump onto his back, Hyunmi getting on as well. Making sure they're both secure and safe, the family walks towards the clearing and into the cave. Inside, it's warm but not too hot, the outside breeze providing the coolness. 

"Alright, off now."

The pups jump down, scurrying towards their mother as Felix makes a comfortable space for them, dusting out any stray leaves or plants away with his tail. He puts Dohyun down comfortably, the gray pup already snoring softly. His siblings join in soon enough, forming a little cuddle ball together, their tails wrapped around each other. 

Felix makes a space next to the ball of fur, his tail wrapping around them protectively. Hyunjin covers them from the other side, his tail entangling with the white wolf's. 

"Goodnight, my little munchkins. Goodnight, love." Hyunjin says, nuzzling Felix's white fur. Felix returns the gesture, licking his chin after. 

"Goodnight, sweethearts."


Morning shone through the cave, sunlight peering through the leaves of the trees above the cave and casting into the shelter. The youngest wakes first, his gray eyes blinking at the light before getting up. The movement stirs his sister and brother, who opens their eyes slowly. 

Dohyun looks at him, getting up as well while letting out a yawn. He falls on Hyunjun lazily, refusing to stay awake. His younger brother yelps, pushing him forward with a playful nip on his ears. 

Their sister is already up properly, readying herself for the mission of waking up their parents. She examines her sleeping mother, before looking at her brothers. The latter two gets the idea, getting behind their father, sharing a look before jumping on top of the both of them with a loud, very loud bark. 

Felix wakes up in a start, almost throwing off his daughter off his back, hadn't it been for him catching the white pup off his fur in time. He searches for his other children frantically, sighing when he finds the rest of his family safe and sound. 

"Why'd you do that for?" He says with a slight warning, scolding his daughter for scaring him. The white pup shrinks back, a guilty look in her eyes. Felix sighs deeply before licking the top of her head in truce, nipping her ear as a warning. 

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