Together in heart, soul and mind; Destiny roped forever to bind.

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(AN: The picture on top, plus the last chapter's one is what the venue looks like. Just smash them both together. Enjoy Part 2, comment as well!)


The Luna's eyes began to water, her hands shaking as she reached out to gently hold Felix's hands. A single tear fell out of her eyes, although she was smiling widely.

"My little boy...All grown up and ready to be married. Oh my god...You're so grown up..." The woman muttered, kissing her son's forehead and making sure not to mess up his make-up.

"Take care of this necklace. This was given to me by my mother on my wedding day, and now it's yours. A memory of home." The Luna said quietly, cupping her son's face and looking into his eyes, a few more tears falling down her cheeks.

"My baby...Take care over there, okay? I don't know if we'll be able to talk after the ceremony. I'll miss you so very much. Don't give up over there, and just...Be safe. I love you..." The woman said, hugging her son one last time.

Felix began to tear up as well, wiping them away so he didn't spoil Jieun's hard work. 

"I- I'll will, Mom. Don't stress yourself, and take care as well. That applies to you too, Ji, and you too, Hyung." Felix said, turning to his twin and brother-in-law, who were also crying at this point.

"Mhm...I will." Jisung said shortly, sighing as he hugged his brother one last time.

There was a gong rung in the distance, and a few guards rushed over to the royal family.

"You highnesses, The ceremony is about to start." Changbin said, looking at all three of them.

The Luna nodded, letting go of Felix's hand and allowing Jisung to interlock their arms, walking towards the stone altar. The groom's figure could be seen on the other entrance of the altar, Jisung glancing at Felix nervously as they stood on the left entrance.

The high priest was waiting by the altar, setting the stuff for the ritual carefully behind him.

He took the old and yellowing book, opening it to the right page. All the pages were yellow with age, torn at some parts. It was definetly old.

"We are gathered here in flesh and blood, to witness the union of two souls and territories as chosen by the gods. Come forth, the Midnight pack, the successor of the Pack Alpha, chosen and blessed by the gods, from the respected family of Hwang." The priest announced loudly, The crows straightening itself a hushed silence fell over the venue. The groom walked forward first, standing to the right of the priest and facing the crowd.

"Come forth, the moonstone pack, successor of the Pack Luna, chosen and blessed by the gods, from the prestigious family of Lee." The priest said next, turning to his left as Jisung walked his brother to the altar, glancing at Felix one last time before leaving.

The sun began to set, an orange yellow light shining over the couple. The cherry blossoms glowed in the light, and had it been any other time, Felix would've awed at the sight.

"Please come together and join hands." The priest commands, while he goes to the back to collect another old scroll, a young boy following him.

The groom and bride walked forth, taking in each other's appearances.

Felix's breath hitched in his throat, eyeing Hyunjin. He had been dressed in a white suit, and old fashioned wedding coat with a fur attachment on his collar. His hair had been tied up, intricate braids in his dark brown hair. There was an emerald holding together the fur attachment, and an emerald necklace hung on his neck. He looked so princely it shook Felix for a second.

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