Time runs fast, I hope this lasts

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Felix had walked into the dining room, bowing towards the family that was seated at the long table.

"Have a seat dear." The Luna called out, pointing to the cushioned chair opposite to Hyunjin's.

Felix nodded, sitting down and a servant served him his portions, exiting the room quickly. 

"So, How was the travel here, Felix?" The Luna asked, taking initiative to talk to the boy, seeing as how her husband and son both despised him, and made it known.

"It was quite alright. We faced an issue at the border though, one of the guards refused to let us in. Thought we were trying to sabotage the kingdom apparently, and wanted proof that it was me. He let us in after I confronted him." Felix said, looking at his plate. He didn't like this new family not one bit, and although the old woman was being nice, he did want to make sure he let the king and prince know the feeling was mutual.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry about that, I'll look into it soon, Really sorry-"No, It's alright. I can understand how it's not easy to accept this whole thing." Felix says, the words slipping out of his mouth without him being able to control it.

The Luna froze, her spoon falling from her hands into her plate.

"Dear, I understand all this can be very frightening to you. But, I promise, we do want you here." She says, with a pitiful smile.

Felix smiles back, although he knows it's all a lie.

They're just being kind.

"I've had enough." Hyunjin suddenly says, pushing his plate away and getting up from his seat.

"Wait a second, Hyunjin. Felix, I would like you to tour around the kingdom, spend the day with my son." The woman says, glaring at the prince who was about to protest.

"But, Mom-"No buts, Do as I say. Hyunjin shall be waiting at the castle courtyard once you're ready." The woman said kindly, as Felix nodded again, finishing his food.

"Thank you, for the food." Felix said, bowing to the Luna , and then the pack leader. He glanced at the prince, contemplating whether to show respect or not.

He had protesting showing me around, right infront of me! 

He doesn't deserve my respect.

Felix ignored the prince, leaving the room. He heard a faint scoff from the dining room, and the distant shout from the Luna calling her son, who had stormed out of the hall.

The freckled boy shrugged, feeling somewhat proud of pissing the older off.

He's not going to make this easy for the alpha.


Felix had left his bedroom, grumbling to himself about the stupid prince.

He was handsome, if only he had a good heart to complete it. 

He left the palace, asking the passing by maids and servants for directions to the court. He eventually reached the mowed grass lawn, decorated with rose bushes and a beautiful water fountain in the middle. It was a peaceful afternoon, and the bell nearby rung fifteen times, indicating the time.

Surprisingly, the prince was waiting at the fountain, and what was even more shocking was that he was smiling, smiling as watched two little bluebirds rinse themselves in the fountain.

Felix neared the prince, coughing to catch his attention. The alpha turned to him, his smile disappearing and a cold stare replacing it instead. Felix grit his teeth, breathing in the urge to punch the alpha in the face as the prince rose, not sparing another glance at Felix.

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