It hurts sometimes when I'm with you, It hurts sometimes but I miss you

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Hyunjin made quick work of gathering he would need into a small bag and putting the letter inside the leather bag and running to the compound. Felix was waiting for him over there, busy writing the letter to Hyunjin's mother of his departure. A pigeon sat on his shoulder, watching him write feverishly and close the letter, tying it to the pigeon's leg with a red string, one that symbolized emergency. 

The alpha placed the bag inside the carriage before walking towards the blonde omega, biting his lip as his right hand clutched on the metal object in his palm, feeling the smooth cuts on the jewel embedded on the metal. 

He glanced at the ring, the emerald gem glowing in the light. It was the ring the blonde omega had left in his room, the one Hyunjin had found that same night, the night he'd spent punching the wall over and over again till his knuckles bled, realizing his mistake. 


The blonde turned around in surprise, not expecting the alpha to be standing right behind him. Felix quickly sends the pigeon on it's way, before looking up at the alpha with question, furrowing his eyebrows at the sudden serious face of the older. The latter sighs, his other hand grabbing the smaller male's hands in his and intertwining it. 

"I'm so sorry, I promised I'd stay." Hyunjin says slowly, closing his eyes in guilt. He hears the omega click his tongue in disagreement, reaching out to hug the alpha. 

"None of that. You're going for the pack, for our family. I understand." Felix consoles him, smiling at him widely to try and rid the growing tension between them both. 

"However, I do expect of you to at least write to me once a week. Don't forget about me completely, and if circumstances force you to, then tell me of it." The blonde adds, pursing his lips as he stared at the taller male, who nodded vigorously. 

"Of course! Anything. I promise." Hyunjin answers a bit too eagerly, causing the omega to laugh, his eyes sparkling with stars making the older male smile as well. Who could blame him? His husband's happiness was contagious, like a ray of sunlight. 

He then remembered the ring in his hand, looking down at their joined hands to take the omega's smaller right hand. He remembers the euphoria that he'd felt while holding those same hands on the day of the wedding. 

Without a word, Hyunjin open his hand and slides the emerald ring on the omega's ring finger. He looks at his own sapphire ring, and then at the emerald one. The two objects that had sealed their marriage. He glances up at the blonde, the latter staring at the ring at surprise before meeting eyes with him. 

"If anything happens to me, you'll know. And I'll know through my ring. Just promise me you'll never take it off, please." The alpha whispers for the both of them to hear, leaning down to press their forehead together as the smaller male nodded. 

"I promise." Felix answer, smiling at the taller male and leaning up to peck his cheeks, tip-toeing slightly to match his height. The two stare at each other, before he hears the guard calling the pack alpha to get on the carriage, not having much time left. Three words sat unheard, Hyunjin hesitating to say it out loud. 

"Stay safe for me, Lixie." He whispers instead, leaning down one last time to kiss the omega and then kneeling down to place a kiss on the growing baby bump. Whispering a few words to the pups, he got up to run towards the carriage, climbing inside as the golden vehicle snapped reigns and began to move in haste. He waved at the blonde omega with a smile, the latter watching with a sad smile as the golden object disappeared out of the garden.

A hand fell on his shoulder, wrapping into a hug from behind. He'd recognize that sweet vanilla small anywhere, a tear falling down his cheek as he turned around to hug his brother. Jisung kept him in his hold, allowing the boy to slowly cry into his shoulder. 

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