Bloom like a rose, Flutter like a cherry blossom, Fall like the Morning Glory

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The pair had quickly freshened up and were getting changed into better clothes. The blonde omega was looking through his closet, debating on what to wear. He looked through his clothes carefully, jumping slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

He turned around, his mouth falling open involuntarily as his eyes darted up and down the alpha's figure. He'd taken the time to braid his dark brown hair through the side, trying half of it in a pony-tail, two stray brown strands framing his face on the side. 

A silk cream white tunic with a leather black belt wound around the middle. Pairing the look, black pants that displayed his long legs. It was a simple look, the omega could tell the latter probably pulled out random clothes out of the closet and called it a day, yet it was astounding to him how the alpha still managed to look so— princely with even the simplest of outfits. 

"You're blushing, love." Hyunjin said with a fond smile, tilting his head as the smile only grew wider as the blonde omega flushed pink at the comment, hiding his face in his small hands with a muffled and embarrassed whine. 

"No- it's actually really cute.... adorable actually." Hyunjin continues, reaching out to pry Felix's hands off his face, the smile on his face growing ridiculously too loving to be normal, his eyes sparkling at the sight of honey brown spots that seemed to glow on the flushed pretty pink cheeks. 

"Reminds me of a soft and shy kitten." Hyunjin says out of the blue, laying his head on Felix's shoulder as he returned to looking through the closet, blushing furiously. 

"If you're looking for something to wear, then that's perfect." The alpha speaks up, his voice gentle and his breath hitting the shell of the freckled boy's ears as he spoke. His hand raises to stop the smaller male, picking out a dress from the collection of clothes. 

It was a baby pink dress, that reached just the perfect length above his knees, with a soft loose skirt that would be comfortable yet pretty. Small blooms of daisies and lilies were embroidered around the collar and waist, delicate stitches decorating it in a minimal yet beautiful way. Felix suddenly remembered to thank Jieun and possibly gift something to her for the work she'd put into these.

 "This one?" He whispers out, knowing he'd be heard from the close proximity. 

Hyunjin hums softly, standing back up to take out the dress from the closet, and handing it towards the freckled boy. 

"I think you'll look beautiful in it." Hyunjin says with a smile, cooing at the small blush that dusted the blonde's cheeks. The latter nods quickly, wanting to escape from more embarrassment. 

Felix runs towards the bathroom, changing as quickly as he could. They'd already spent a lot of time there, his twin would come barging in either worriedly, or trying to nag him again. 

He slipped out of the bathroom, smoothening the pink skirt that lay comfortably around his legs. He walked towards the mirror, checking himself as he felt the gaze of the brunette alpha at the back of his head, the said male approaching him once again. 

He really wished his heart wouldn't keep flipping inside his chest like this. 

The alpha smiled at him through the mirror, his eyes travelling around the blonde male. He walked over to the mirror, wrapping his arms around the omega and burying his head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the honey scent deeply. 

His one hand comes to rest on top of one of Felix's tiny ones, rubbing soft and calming" circles over the baby bump. It was silent for awhile, none of them saying anything. Yet, the silence was comfortable, like they were simply processing everything that had happened to them within the last two days. 

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