I Can Feel You Over Here, You Take Up Every Corner Of My Mind

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(AN: There is smut towards the end of the chapter, that continues towards the next chapter. If you're uncomfortable with it, please so not read this chapter, or the next one.)

"Wouldn't you like that, my alpha?" Felix says in his deep soft voice, almost purring the question. Hyunjin sucks in a breath, his hands gripping the material of the soft satin that hugged his slim legs. 

"I would, very much." He replies, his hands stopping at the omega's thighs before smirking up at the omega. The latter stares at him a little longer, his fingers trailing a path on his husband's cheek before stepping back, grabbing the bag in his small dainty hands.

Hyunjin assumes the omega must have felt uncomfortable, putting his hands away. Felix shakes his head however, smiling a very soft small reassuring smile, before removing the thin leather belt tied to his waist and over navy blue silk vest he had on him. He slips out of the silken material, much to the surprise of his husband who simply watches with wide eyes. 

The omega smiles once more, taking the bag beside his husband and checking its contents to find the first clothing to try on. He makes a sound of content, finding one he liked and pulls it out. 

He removes his satin trousers, watching the way the alpha's eyes raked over his legs and up his thighs, realizing what he was doing a second later and slapping a palm over his eyes after in fear of making the omega uncomfortable. Felix chuckles to himself, prying away the brunette's hands from his eyes and letting him see.

"I'm perfectly fine with this, Hyunnie." He assures him, and the alpha lets out a sigh, nodding his head. 

"Are you sure though, I could always just leave and wait for you-"Oh shush." Felix shuts him up with a peck on his lips, the alpha not uttering a word after, a shy coating of red on his ears. These were the times when Felix found him cute, knowing that dramatic ass silly llama could be such a shy thing in the bedroom, like the blonde was a fragile doll. He found it endearing, knowing that it was just his husband not wanting to cross any boundaries, trying to be very careful with him, like he was a porcelain doll. But he would change that very soon. 

He slips on the dress on himself, the first part being a white dress with the skirt being longer on the back and shorter on the front, creating a pretty flowing angelic look. The sleeves were full and reached his wrists, ending with a long-sleeved flounce. The dress would've looked pretty by itself, but instead Felix decided to kill his husband even more by slipping on a deep maroon red corset, tying the strings that were prettily arranged in the front, with little gems at the end of each string. 

Hyunjin resists to urge to actually grab the omega by his waist, because fuck, it was so small and perfect, and as a slave to temptation he does that eventually, his large hands encasing almost the whole entirety of the blonde male's lithe waist. 

"You look amazing, so perfect, love." Hyunjin says in a breathy whisper, and Felix laughs under his breath, wondering how his husband would react when he put on 'that' outfit. He was already looking so lovestruck by this one, his green eyes simply adoring his husband in the white and red outfit.

"White looks angelic on you." Hyunjin compliments again, running his hand over the pretty and soft cotton fabric of the skirt, watching it flow around the freckled male's legs and the front part end cut off prettily right by his thighs, exposing his milky freckled skin. 

"Thank you, sweetheart. But there's a lot more to go." Felix says with a teasing smile as he removes the dress, folding it neatly to the side and keeping it away. He takes out another dress, slipping on the pretty outfits one after the other. Hyunjin compliments him over and over again, making him blush prettily at every comment thrown his way of how pretty, or adorable, or angelic he looks in every piece he tries on. Jieun herself was one of the best seamstresses around, but her clothes simply looked ethereal on the blonde Luna. 

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