I'm in a field of dandelions, Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine

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It felt like Deja vu all over again, with the next two days in the castle filled with rush and hurry, the large ball room of the Moonstone castle cleaned out and decorated for the royal celebration. Three sparkling crowns had been made specially, for the three children, since it would their coronation as the heirs to the kingdom as well. It was also to celebrate their first birthday, and a belated first anniversary for the king and his queen.

Maids and servants ran around the castle, preparing for the large number of people to attend. Friends and family of the royal family, nobles and important guests from the four kingdoms. A festival was to be held outside the palace after the celebration, a way for the townspeople to take part as well.

Felix was excited, of course, but his brother was downright going crazy at this point. He wanted the celebration to be the best, and a happy memory for his brother (ahem, the wedding) and so, the older twin had dragged the blonde to the salon.

"You're blonde look is nice and all, but this is big, Felix. We've got to surprise your husband." Jisung says with a mischievous look, as he seats his brother down in front of a large mirror. Jisung then turns to the woman in charge there, explaining what he wanted done for the Luna. The two spoke in whispers, and the smile on Jisung's face was beginning to scare the blonde.

"Ah, I see, your highness. Yes, that'll be possible." The woman says, smiling at the prince before walking towards the confused Luna and looking at him through the mirror in front of him.

"Good afternoon, your majesty. I'm Hyuna, and I'll be doing your hair today." She says, smiling sweetly. The blonde (not for long) nods, opening his mouth to ask what exactly was to be to his hair, but his brother cut him off with a shake of his head.

"Nuh-uh, it's a surprise. You'll see." He says with a chuckle, as Felix's eyes grew wide. If his brother was planning it, it better be good.

"Okay..." Felix says hesitantly, relaxing on the chair and letting the woman do as she pleased, with his brother whispering to her in between. His hair was washed, then dried moderately before being filled (that should've given him an idea of what they were doing, but he was really beginning to feel sleepy) and then set for a few minutes. About half an hour later, Hyuna got to work again, applying color to his hair and the room went silent as Jisung began to fall asleep on the chair beside his brother.

After the color was applied, the hairdresser told him to rest awhile as well as she went to get her products and tools cleaned. Felix didn't quite bother trying to figure things out, although he had a gist of what was happening anyway.

About forty-five minutes later, he felt the towel on his head being removed, and his hair washed. He opened his one eye sleepily, looking through the mirror, but he wasn't quite able to see much because of his brother and the hairdresser standing next to him while the woman washed his hair.

A few minutes later, he felt his hair being washed with cold water once again, then dried a bit before his chair was finally turned towards the mirror, since it had been turned away for the rinsing.

"So, what do you think?" His brother asks, as Felix's mouth parts in surprise, unable to fathom any words. He definitely looked way different, and it almost looked unnatural— which was ironic, considering the hair color he had on now was supposed to make him return to his natural hair color.

He hadn't thought of going brunette for a long time, although he had considered it once with his brother. He supposed that's where the idea came from. Typical Jisung.

"I- It's, it's great! But are you sure this—" Felix began, only for his brother to cut him off while fixing his hair and looking at him through the mirror with a smile. "Everything else doesn't matter, do you like it?" Jisung asks, and the now brunette Felix nods, shutting his mouth as a small smile bloomed on his lips.

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