Chapter 51: This is their big night

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A couple of weeks passed since that night, The girls began bonding with their grandmother but Leah had something on her mind or rather someone.

"Are you sure, you guys want to do this?" Leah asked, with their fathers behind them.

Aubrey, Ray, Remus, and Sera stood in a square while Zoey was cooking pieces of their favorite meat on the stove.

"Mmm hmm!"

"I was born ready, Princess"

"Okay then, Grandmother! Go ahead"

"Alright then" she chuckled silently and threw a piece of meat in there direction.

Sera was the first one to jump for it but Remus grabbed her legs and pulled her down, he tried to grab it but Aubrey used her powers to move the meat in her direction. Ray snatched the meat away from her and was about to eat it but she tripped over Leah's foot and the meat landed in her mouth.

"I thought I might play after all" She chuckled as she started chewing, "Oh! Grandmother, this tastes like heaven!"

"Aww, thank you! Are you all excited for the dance?"

"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome! Me and Ry-Ry are gonna DJ!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! A, what about you and Tony?"

"We're just gonna dance and have fun"

"Maybe a little bit more fun afterwards~" Ray teased and wiggled her eyebrows.


"What? We all know what Mus and Nymph are gonna do afterwards!"

"Meaning, I'm walking her home and we may watch a few movies until we pass out"


Leah giggled and leaned against the wall, staring into space. She was brooding.

"Something wrong Leah?"

"Don't worry about her grandma, Princess is just thinking about him again, about Andrew"


"His sister is still alive! Dad, why would he still wanna be with Metal?"

"It takes a while for people to believe the truth, your aunt would know"

"Don't worry about him, Leah," Remus said, patting her on the back.

"Y-Yeah, he'll come around!"

"Well, I personally hope he doesn't! I don't trust him" Ray snarled as she ate more meat.

"People can always surprise you Ray"

"Oh, and also you are certainly correct, Raydiant! You shouldn't trust anyone!" Aubrey said, sarcastically as Sera took a piece of meat from Ray's plate.

"Is that sarcasm I hear? My little baby's growing up!" She chuckled and ruffled her hair.

Haley walked into the kitchen,"Why are you kids still eating? The dance is gonna start in 3 hours! Your Aunt Shini wants to get your make-up started!"

"Haley's right, go on, start getting ready!"

"Why does it take three hours to put powder on their faces?"

"Because each of them has a different style! Now come on!"

About 2 and a half hours later

"Girls, are we almost ready!"

"I got my camera all set up!" Nightshade stomped his feet as he shook Casey back and forth.

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